S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W {Joshler}

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Do I know what this is? No. Do I want to know? No. Am I proud of it? Eh. Enjoy

Move your body when the
Sunlight dies
Everybody hide your
Body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

"Make a wish when your childhood dies." Tyler said in a quiet tone, the wind of an post apocalyptic city sitting through the sheer curtains he had tacked up. His daughter Ruby nodded her head and blew out the small measly candle on the shapeless cake made for her sixth birthday, smiling a bit when she did. Suddenly a heavy knocking was heard at the door, and Ruby began to cry as he picked her up, placing her into a small cutout of the wall. "Shhh. It's not him. Just. Be quiet baby." He whispered, and shut the compartment behind him before grabbing a gun from the table and walking to the door.

"Hello?" He asked, and a deep voice replied. "Please god help me." It pleaded, and despite his fear Tyler opened the door to show a man with dark brown hair and eyes standing there his cheeks hollowed and his eyes wide with fear.

"We're all alone tonight, right?" The man asked once inside, and Tyler shook his head. "My daughter Ruby is here." He said, and walked over to the wall, pulling her out. "She's cute." The stranger said, and Tyler nodded. "Yep."
"Who are you?" She asked, and the man smiled, crinkled forming around his eyes. "Josh."
"Hi. I'm 6." She smiled, and he nodded. "I'm 26."
"My daddy is 24." She grinned, and they both smiled at the girl.

Tyler had just stood up to make Josh a pallet when a sharp cawing was heard from outside. "Fuck. Ruby go run! You know what to do!" Tyler urged her, and she nodded running back to the wall compartment where silence was heard immediately.
"Hold your breath when a black bird flies." Tyler whispered to Josh, his breathing no longer audible. "What?" The man asked, and Tyler sighed. "Count to seventeen and close your eyes. Don't breathe." Josh nodded, counting in his head. A dark shape swept past the room before disappearing, and then Tyler poked his head up, whistling once. Ruby came out and crawled over, tears streaking her face. "Don't let it come back."
"Shhh. Ruby baby, I'll keep you safe inside." He whispered, meeting Josh's eyes over her head.

"What is all this?" Josh asked, and Tyler sighed. "Better Living Industries. We're what you call 'Killjoys' and if they find us...well we end up like Party Poison and his crew. Some exterminators caught them and blew them up. That's what happened to Ruby's mom." He said quietly, then laid the now sleeping girl in her bed before walking back over to Josh, his shirt riding up slightly to show the tan but scarred skin beneath. "What happened?"
"It still happens."

"He burns my skin. Never mind about the shape I'm in. I'll keep you safe tonight."

Everybody hide

"Blow a kiss at the methane skies." Josh said randomly as he and Tyler walked outside, Ruby just a few feet ahead of them. "See the rust through your playground eyes." Tyler whispered back, nudging him with his arm.

We're all in love tonight

"Leave a dream where the fallout lies. You can even watch it grow where the tearstain dries." Tyler whispered once Ruby had laid down, staring at the large white building looming a few hundred yards from them. "I'd kill them all ya know. I would do it just to keep you safe tonight." Josh whispered, and kissed the smaller mans hand. "I know."

Move your body when
The sunlight does

"What's that?!" Josh suddenly asked in alarm, and Tyler looked into the sky to see the large white object, painted with the Scarecrow units symbol.
"Hide. Everybody hide!" He screamed, and grabbed Josh's hand as they raced towards the house where Ruby lay unprotected. "Ruby!" Tyler bellowed, bursting through the door just as she sat up."daddy! The scarecrow is coming." She whispered and he nodded, tears streaming down his face. "What's going on?" Josh asked desperately, and Tyler turned slowly. "A bomb."
"Can't we stop it?!"
"Love won't stop this bomb." He said sadly, and scooped up his daughter. "Run bunny. Run." He said, kissing her forehead and pushed her and Josh out the door.

The two ran, looking back to see the white object hovering over the house where Tyler stood in the doorway. "Run! Run bunny run!" He screamed, just as the he and the house were swallowed in a pillar of bright hot energy from something dropped.

"Move. Move!" Josh urged,picking the screaming child up and running with her. They began to find more homes and diners, as well as an old radio station that Tyler had told him belonged to Dr. D.
Tyler... The name reverberated in Josh's skull as they continued to run, Ruby making small keening sounds. They had finally reached the middle of town, and a few dozen people appeared, including another little girl close to Ruby in age.
"Everybody. Please. Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow." He cried, and the town ran, hiding in bunkers and buildings, surviving the night, but leaving Josh and Ruby haunted with his burn, which had now become visible on Josh's chest and arms.

Everybody hide

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