Mourning Star {Kellic}

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hatter_jac bc I know you'll ask, yes I'm fine.

You'll still be with me when
You're gone

"We were caught up in the moment and now that moment's passed." Kellin Quinn said with a small smile as he looked down at the grave in front of him, the words there taunting him.
"And I believe our last memory was the best that we could have." He continued, and his friend Cole came up behind him, putting hand on his shoulder. "Kells?" She asked and then sat beside him, his head going to her shoulder.
"I don't get why life is this way." He muttered, and she sighed. "It's not for you to worry about."

We'll meet again some day

"How can you be so selfish? I don't fucking understand." He ranted later that day, a bottle of wine clutched tightly in his hand.
"How can you tell me you're leaving? And I'm left here to move on and I can't." He continued, ranting to his empty apartment, tears falling freely as he came to a picture of him and Vic under a tree, all smiles and laughter. As he looked he went back to the last time he saw Vic, before he died.

"They're gonna have to throw me in with you when they put you in the ground." Kellin said with a growl, and his husband took his hand. "Kells you have to let go."
"I ain't letting go, there's no way over my dead body." He said adamantly, and Vic kissed his hand before shutting his eyes, the heart monitors going blank as Kellin let out a scream.

I'm not letting you back out

"It's hard to look you in the face without thinking of those better days." Kellin said a year later as he sat at Cole's table, and she cracked a sad smile. "Time has passed, so much has changed."
"It isn't fair, there's too much pain." He said back, and she laid her hand on his. "I know Kells."

"And when I feel like I'm breaking down, your voice finds me when I can't be found.  It picks me up but it leaves me sad." He sighed into Vic's voicemail later that day, the phone sitting across the room from him though he couldn't touch it even if he wanted to.
"While I'm still hurt, I'm still fucking mad. I'd like to look death in the face. I'd knock him out and I'd take your place." He said, anger laced into his voice as he thought about how he had no control over what happened. "But there's nothing I can do. This life is empty without you." He sighed, and got up, picking up Vic's phone to see a missed call from himself.

"Though the tears fall down my face
I still refuse to cry, I wish it was wrong but I know that it's time." He said, and hung up placing the phone into the closet with a box of things that belonged to Vic at one point.

"No matter where I go, you'll still be with me when you're gone." Kellin said the the grave, tracing his fingers over the word father, though he knew Vic never got that chance.
"I'm coming Viccy." He whispered, blue green eyes closing as he held a gun to his head, pulling the trigger.

You'll still be with me when
You're gone

Song One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora