Missing You {Jalex}

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"So, I've heard that you been having some trouble." A voice said, and I rolled around in my chair to see my friend Ty leaning against the doorway into my office. Her brown hair was pulled back into a low bun and she had traded her usual office attire for black jeans, boots and a blood red crop top. "With?" I asked, and she took a step inside.
"Finding your place in the world. Trust me, I've been there."
"It's just frustrating Ty." I sighed and she gave me a sympathetic look.
"I know Alex. But hey, if you need a friend then please just say the word." She smiled, and I nodded in response.
"See ya later." I waved, and she let out a groan before leaving, the jangling of her keys the last sound I heard from her.

Your all cleaned up
You've made a mess again
There's no more trying time to
Sort your self out.

"Hold on tight sir, my brakes are a but faulty." The cabbie said, and I smiled weakly. "It's fine."
The rest of the ride was shirt and silent, and after paying the man I rushed across the street to my complex, the biting winds nipping at me as I cursed for forgetting my coat. As I struggled I heard familiar laughter from behind me and turned to see Ty walking down the street arm in arm with a tall stranger.

"Alex! Hey!" She chirped, and I sent her a small wave my gaze still lingering on the man as they walked up the steps to where I stood. Ty deftly took my keys and unlocked the door, pushing everyone inside. "This is Jack, he works with us. Jack this is Alex, who apparently forgot his coat again." She introduced, pointing a accusatory finger at me with the end of her sentence.
"Guilty." I shrugged as I turned on the lights, breath hitching when I caught sight of Jack.

He had dark hair swept away from his forehead, a rebellious streak of red catching my attention. He wore a leather jacket and white shirt paired with black jeans and boots, his brown eyes sweeping over my apartment and then me, causing chills to run down my spine. He smiled at me, showing off a row of perfect white teeth before he extended his hand. "Jack." He smiled, and I took his hand in mine smiling back through the electric current buzzing in my veins. "Alex."

You'll be missing out
And well be missing you

6 months later

"Alex! Could you stop working for like ten minutes?" Jack's voice pleaded, and a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I turned to face him. "Yes dear?" I asked and he rolled his eyes before plopping into my lap. "You work so much" he murmured, and I sighed.
"I'm trying to find my place in the world."
"I know how much that hurts Alex, but you don't have to constantly work."
"I know J, but it helps pay bills."

He let out a sigh and then slid off me, walking to the bedroom door. "I gonna take a nap. K?"
"Okay." I muttered, and he let out another sigh before the floor shut behind him.
"This ride is a wild one, huh?" Ty's voice came from behind me, and I jumped my hand going against my chest as I dimly noticed the subtle red highlights in her hair that I hadn't seen before. "Jesus Ty you scared the hell out of me." I laughed and she shrugged. "Oh well. But he has a point. Your working yourself to death and your not even 25 yet." I rolled my eyes as she turned off my computer, eyeing me up and down.

"You'll be missing out of everything if you don't stop Alex. And you know what me and Jack are going to be doing? We'll be missing you." She said, and then left me there with my mouth hanging open.

The next day when Jack came over I was in my room, splattering black paint on the walls. "Alex?" He asked, and is turned with a grin. "Hey!" I cheered and jumped off the step ladder giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Fuck the world it's my life, I'm gonna take it back." I whispered to him, and he smiled. "I'm so proud of you."
"I love you dork."
"I love you nerd."

With so much left to do
You'll be missing out
And we'll be missing you.

A/N- I have no fucking clue what this even was. But thank you to ThatConcertLife for letting me use her in the story. I love you Ty!! 💕💕

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