Remembering Sunday {Candy}

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He woke up from dreaming
And put on his shoes
Started making his way past two
In the morning
He hasn't been sober for days...

I sat up in the cold bed, clearing my mind of her face and voice as I felt around for my boots, putting them on slowly as I stumbled my way down the hall to the kitchen, my head roaring. I walked in and leaned my head out the widow, inhaling the fresh air. As I did so, I notched someone walking towards my apartment complex, and my heart started to race as I realised it was CC. The girl I had given my heart to, only for it to be returned in a delicate condiotion. Like one more little crack would leave it irrevocably broken.

I moved away from the window and sat on the couch my eyes closing as memories flooded back to me.

I'm trying to find my
Calling I'm calling at
I don't mean to be a bother
But have you seen this girl?

"Andy! Get up for shits sakes! I know your drunk off your ass but my parents are gonna be here soon!" CC screamed at me and I groaned getting off the bed and stumbling over to her, grabbing her waist. "Maybe we can just cancel?" I asked hopefully and she shoved me away. "No." She retorted and I felt my eyes widen, rage consuming me. I didn't feel myself do it, but I saw myself. I hit CC, right across the face.

She growled at me and turned on her heel sweeping out of the apartment and out of my life for good.

My eyes widened upon hearing a knock on the door, and I wiped a stray tear from my face as I went and answered, biting my lip when I saw CC standing there uncomfortably. Ignoring the dizzying emotions I felt I opened the door, looking at her in surprise.

"It's CC Andy. You know that."

There was an awkward silence following, broken by me. "In so so sorry. C, I never meant to hurt you...I love you." I whispered a tear fighting it's way down my face.

Im not coming back
I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak
But you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up I'll be blunt
Now the rain is just washing you
Out of my hair
And out of my mind

"It's too late for that. I've come by to tell you that I'm engaged, to Ryan. This is my goodbye." She said and turned, leaning me alone once again.

I guess I'll go home now
I guess I'll go home...

CC's P.O.V.

After Ryan left, I walked back over to Andys, chewing my lip before knocking gently. I still loved Andy, and I felt terrible about everything. I got no reply, so I tried the door my breath hitching at the fact that it was unlocked.

I walked in and began to cry, awful dry heaving sobs that erupted from somewhere deep inside. Andy sat on thecouch, a gun in one hand and a note in the other. Brain matter and blood were splattered on the floor and wall behind him, and I could feel my heart shattering.

I shuffled over and plucked the paper from his hand, gasping at the diamond ring that fell off, almost crying at the words on the page before I feel to my knees, my heart completely destroyed.

I'm gonna ask her to marry me

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