Another You {Jalex}

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Alex Gaskarth sat in his apartment, staring down at a polaroid of his ex boyfriend Jack, a stray year falling down his face. "I'm sorry Jack..." He whispered, putting the photo away and standing up, looking at the shattered glass where he and Jack had their last fight. Instead of the crushing sadness he's been feeling for the past week, he felt empty, hollow.

Take away all of this emptiness I feel
Cause I will never find
Another you

Six months passed, and Alex decided it was time to finally move. As he packed, he kept seeing things that reminded of him of Jack, and his heart would painfully clench. As he emptied his room, he swore he could hear Jacks laugh, and see him leaning against the doorframe across the room from where the brunette stood.

Like the portraits in the hall
I wish you were staring back at me

Alex closed the door to the apartment and brought the last box to his car, a tear falling without his knowledge as he caught a glimpse of a familiar head weaving through the crowded sidewalk. Alex quickly threw the box into the trunk and shut it, walking around to the drivers side, "Alex?" Jacks voice asked, and Alex flinched, turning to face the man. Alex's cheeks were gaunt and his eyes had a hollow look about them, his skin had a pale colour to it and he had deep dark purple circles under his lifeless brown eyes. "Hello." He greeted, his voice dull. "Your moving..." Jack acknowledged, and Alex felt himself nod, the emptiness inside eating it's way up to his heart and brain. He wanted Jack to say anything, anything at all, but he  simply laid a hand on Alex's shoulder then turned and left.

Say anything to make this all
Take it away take it away
Take away all of this emptiness
I feel

"I may never find myself..." Alex whispered to Jacks retreating figure, unaware that the man had tears streaking down his face, his heart shattered by Alex's appearance, and by how much he missed him.

"I will never find another you..." Jack whispered, touching the faded Polaroid of Alex in his pocket, the boys both missing a piece of them, that was tantalisingly close but just out of reach.

I will never find another you

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