Stay Alive {Candy}

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"Your thoughts become your enemies, when you're locked inside this cage." Andy sighed, and his husband CC looked up from the bare table in front of him. "Life can feel dead to me and all that's left is rage..." He whispered, his dark brown eyes meeting Andy's blue ones

Regrets for all the time we wasted
Thinking of ourselves

"All your doing C, is holding onto pain you tasted. Pretending that your living in this hell."

Don't wanna go back home tonight
So I drive this road alone

"Promise me. Promise to stay alive for the good times. Stay alive through the bad." Andy said seriously, and the other male hung his head. "I keep telling myself I can take you from this god forsaken place " CC whispered and Andy let out a sigh.

"Just Stay alive."

"Your fear controls everything! Never let's you turn the page!" Andy yelled one night in the middle of a fight, and CCs brown eyes welled up tears. "We end up only settling for when we both felt sane."

"Now your just reaching out for something that you can't quite hold onto." Andy whispered and the black haired man standing in the doorway hung his head down.

"Say goodbye and start it over when there's nothing left for you." He whispered and then walked out, starting up his car with no intention of ever coming back, a test clamped in his hand.

Three years went by, and Andy was walking down the street hand I hand with his fiancé Juliet, her baby bump showing through the thin tank top she wore. As they walked, the man noticed a head of black hair in the crowd, and when they got closer his heart leapt into his throat at the sight of his CC, holding a blue eyed black haired baby girl. "Hey." He said simply, Andy's eyes glued to the girl in his arms. She looked about two, and had Andy's lips just like her eye colour.

"Who's this?" Andy asked, Juliet forgotten "My daughter. Andrea Lynn." CC grinned, and as Juliet pulled Andy into a shop he had time to say one last thing. "Stay alive C."

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