Doctors office

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*mal soon found herself in the doctors quarters in the castle, she knew she could trust the doctor there to keep quiet, but that was the only person there she trusted*
Doctor: my lady
Mal: thank you for seeing me so quickly
Doctor: of course, what would be troubling you today?
Mal: can we speak in private, no one can know I was ever here until I've spoken to Ben at the very least
Doctor: will he be joining us?
Mal: no, please, before someone sees me here
Doctor: course
*the doctor leads Mal into her office and shut the blinds*
Doctor: okay Mal, what's up?
Mal: I'm like 99% certain I'm pregnant
Doctor: wow okay, so you took a test?
Mal: yep, and the list of symptoms is rather long
Doctor: okay so the main ones obviously would be morning sickness
*mal flashes back earlier, having lied to Evie, she hadn't just been sick that morning, she'd been sick most days for a while*
Doctor: Mal?
Mal: oh um yeah sorry, definitely
Doctor: how late would you say you are?
Mal: I don't think I've actually had a period since my wedding, I don't know how I didn't figure it out sooner
Doctor: I think you did, but you didn't want to admit it as a possibility
Mal: maybe
Doctor: I presume you have had unprotected sex then
Mal: Christ just come right out with it why don't you?
Doctor: hormonal
Mal: gee thanks
Doctor: you never answered my question
Mal: yes I have screwed my husband without protection I apologise if all the other things we've just listed didn't answer that question for you
Doctor: Mal, calm down
Mal: I'm sorry, I'm just....scared I think
Doctor: that's perfectly understandable and normal, especially in your situation
Mal: what if this is a bad idea? What if everything's going to go wrong
Doctor: okay, let's do an ultrasound and see if we can get a look at what's going on in there shall we?
Mal: okay
*the doctor leads her into a room where she immediately sees an ultrasound scanner, she has to take a deep breath to steady herself, she couldn't help but feel like she was drowning in this, the doctor gestured for her to take a seat so she did and then led back as the doctor got together everything she needed*
Doctor: alright, if you could lift your top up a little please so I can see your stomach
*Mal reluctantly did as she was asked*
Doctor: okay so I'm gonna putt some of this gel on and then we can take a look inside and see what's going on okay?
*Mal nodded, unable to speak*
Doctor: just a warning, his will be cold
*Mal nodded again and took yet another deep breath, she gasped a little as the cold gel hit her stomach, it was freezing, at least it felt like it to her, the doctor started moving the scanner around in the gel until a picture suddenly came up in the screen and the sound of little heartbeats filled the room, Mal had to force herself to look at the screen but once she did she was transfixed, she couldn't look away*
Doctor: I'd say twelve weeks
Mal: the night of the wedding
Doctor: it would fit
Mal: first time, damn he's good
*she smiled a little but the next price of information she was about to get would completely throw her off*
Doctor: if you could come back later and we'll do your blood work and the rest
Mal: okay
*she printed off a picture and handed it to Mal along with a paper towel to wipe the gel off her stomach, Mal did so then threw it away and took the picture*
Doctor: they're looking very healthy
Mal: wait....w....what.....
Doctor: Mal, couldn't you hear the two separate heartbeats or see he two separate figures on that picture
Mal: I'm having twins?!
Doctor: yes
*Mal couldn't describe what she was feeling at the very moment in time but she was almost in tears, and they weren't happy ones*


Whoops..... 😂😂 (4 updates in 1 day how lucky are you?) xoxo

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