Grandparents to be

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*Ben walks over to the guest wing where his parents have been staying as of late last night for the celebrations before continuing on their adventures around Auradon, as soon as he arrived he knocked on the door*
Beast: enter
*his father's voice sounding a little more agitated than usual, Ben decided to tread carefully, he walked in and instantly Belle and beasts faces both lit up*
Beast: son!
Ben: hey dad
*ben didn't want to play it too nice with them, he wasn't sure how they'd react and he wasn't prepared to play nice until he knew what their reaction was*
Ben: I have some news for you guys, I wanted you to hear it from me in individually first
Belle: okay
*they all sit down, each of hen rather nervous for their own individual reasons*
Ben: I'm just gonna cut to the chase, Mal's pregnant
Beast: what?
Ben: she's pregnant
Belle: well that's fantastic Ben! Congratulations!
*she walked over to him and gave him a huge hug, he wasn't quite sure he believed her excitement but why poke a hole in it deliberately?*
Belle: tell us everything
Ben: she's 3 months pregnant so we presume it was probably our wedding night, she only confirmed it yesterday but I think she knew for a while but was afraid of it, she's really scared people are gonna hate her for it
Belle: oh
Ben: whatever you do, don't ask her too many questions about this, there's a lot going on about it, she wants to be happy about it but I can see it in her eyes that the bad things are weighing on her mind much too heavily
Belle: what do you mean?
Beast: honey maybe he doesn't want to say
Ben: umm, well...
*he finds the words stuck in his mouth, he feels the need to tell them but he also feels like saying it again might just tear him apart, he took a deep breath and slowly explained everything to them as best he could without just breaking down, he knew he had to stay strong for her because she wouldn't hold up if he didn't but these six months definitely wouldn't be pleasant for him*
Belle: oh Ben honey I'm so sorry
*she wrapped her arms around her son and hugged him tightly and somehow that was everything he needed, he steadied himself in the arms of his mother and it gave him new hope that whatever happened they'd all be okay*
Beast: isn't there anything they can do?
Ben: she says not and fairy godmother seems to agree with her, we just have to wait this out and hope for the best, it's slowly killing her and watching that is slowly killing me
*for some reason it felt so good for him to tell his parents that, belle let him go and he doubled over with his head in his hands*
Ben: what do I do if something does go wrong? She'll never forgive herself
*belle aced her hand gently on his back and began to rub it soothingly*
Belle: I wish I could tell you honey, I really do
Ben: thank you, for being here
Beast: always son
*it would be a long 6 months but he now felt a little less alone, he knew he wasn't alone to begin with but he he a safe place of his own now, somewhere he could go when he needed to not be strong for a little while and that might have just be everything*


Very soon comes a bit I've been holding quite close to my heart for quite a while xoxo

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