Blue Carpet

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*Of course you wouldn't have a red carpet when celebrating Ben's birthdays, blue with golden edging would be the obvious choice, crown and tiara on, to the cathedral they went, 7pm sharp they arrived as were lead by their escorts towards the entrance to the cathedral, not that they wouldn't have to face the press first*
Mal: why did I have to wear this stupid tiara thing?
Ben: because you're the queen, it could be worse, I could've made you wear the actual crown
Mal: no, you really couldn't have
Ben: true, but you know what I mean
Mal: rind why I had to be queen of all things?
Ben: because you married the king
Mal: and why did I do that?
Ben: because you love me
Mal: stupid love
Ben: haha
Mal: come on, and remember, hands away from the stomach
*Ben pulls a soppy face but Mal just raises an eyebrow and rolls her eyes*
Ben: but your little bump is adorable
Mal: I promise that later you can have your hand on my stomach as much as you like, just wait until we're alone please, wow that was a weird sentence
Ben: okay, I promise and also, yep definitely weird
*he leads her to where the press are, they walk slowly, stopping ever now and then for the cameras*
Mal: smile and look pretty, that's all I have to do right?
Ben: no trouble there
Mal: you're cute
Ben: aw shucks
*they both just randomly burst out laughing at Ben's last statement leaving everyone looking at them in confusion but they did care, it was real and it was them*
Ben: thank you
Mal: for what?
Ben: the last 5 years
Mal: no, thank you, you've given me everything and I'm not talking about the lifestyle I'm talking about the love I was missing before
Ben: I'll always love you with all of my heart, I hope you know that
Mal: I do
*they look each other straight in the eye in a way that you could just sense the love, suddenly their lips are crashing into each other's, no thought, no second guessing just together as one, the cameras went crazy but they didn't care, when they finally broke away they just couldn't stop smiling*
Ben: this was the best birthday ever
Mal: I'm glad
Ben: come on I think they've had enough of a show, let's go inside
Mal: okay


Just a filler, sorry I've been ill so I haven't been able to update xoxo

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