Stay with me

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*Mal pulled the sword out from her mother's chest leaving her lifeless body to fall to the ground, shock still spread across her face, she's never thought Mal would have it in her and that had been her biggest mistake, she'd underestimated how much grief could affect her, Mal dropped the sword and turned, stumbling towards the others, now almost completely spent, Jay rushed to her side and grabbed her up in his arms, Mal saw that Jane was on the floor, clearly as weak as she herself was, getting everyone everywhere must have been a lot of strain to add on top of the incantation for her, she was safely in Carlos' arms as he held onto her tightly, she held her arm like she'd hurt it but was clearly trying to mask the he pain for Carlos' benefit, Mal gave a small smile at that before once again getting the overwhelming sensation of Ben's condition worsening still, she didn't have long left is she couldn't save him, she got down from Jay's arms and moved to Jane hurriedly*
Mal: please Jane, I need you to send me back
*mal had to admit Jane looked very rough, but Mal couldn't get herself back to the castle, she didn't know how and her magic was spent, she was running purely on adrenaline now, she knew it*
Jane: Carlos, its okay
*she nodded to Mal as she muttered the incantation and suddenly Mal found herself back at the castle, she rushed to find him, everything was a complete haze, she had almost nothing left so when she missed her footing on one of the stairs she came crashing down, luckily as it was the top step she fell forwards onto a flat surface rather than taking a stair to the ribs, but try as she would she couldn't get up, she had nothing left*
Jay: MAL!
*Mal just about had enough left in her to roll onto her back to see Jay rushing up behind her*
Mal: Jay? How are you here? You were just there with me
Jay: Jane's in bad shape, she just managed to transport us all here but now she's unconscious downstairs, come on, we need to get you to Ben and send someone to see to her
*Mal could barely process what jay had just said partly because of the speed at which he'd said it but mostly because she didn't have enough energy, she had almost nothing left, she just had to know that Ben was okay, that was all she cared about now, not even herself, Jay scooped her up, trying not to show how worried he was about her, she was like a sister to him and he could see she was on the verge of breaking point even if she wouldn't admit it, she'd been through so much in just two weeks, he rushed her straight to where Ben was, immediately charging in, up to the door to where Mal could see Ben lead, looking very frail, he was slipping away, she mustered up all the last remnants of any energy she had previously had, jay helped her stand on her own, steadying her until he was convinced she was stable enough for him to let go*
Mal: have someone send for Ben's parents, they should be here and have Jane seen to, you have my authority to do whatever is necessary to make both of those things happen as fast as possible*
Jay: are you sure you're prepared to go in there alone?
Mal: I have to
*just then she saw lumiere and cogsworth rushing to her, both were like uncles to Ben and were clearly both also extremely worried about him*
Lumiere: my lady
Mal: if anything happens to him...
Cogsworth: you will have the full support of this kingdom and his court
Mal: I can't face his parents if he loses his life to my mother
Cogsworth: we will handle them
Lumiere: and what of Maleficent?
Mal: she's dead
Cogsworth: are you sure?
Mal: I plunged the sword into her heart myself, I'm absolutely certain, have her body taken wherever it needs to go, I'll deal with her later
*both lumiere and cogsworth shared concerned glances when Mal stated she'd been the one to end her mother's life before nodding in response to their orders and stepping back, Mal took a deep breath and readied herself for what she was about to do*


I meant to post this straight after the last one but ended up in a rather heated argument about something but here ya go, Mal doesn't seem to think it sounds good, will she be right? Is Ben going to die? What is she about to do? You'll just have to wait and see, the next chapter is the last one before we move onto book 3 so be ready! Xoxo

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