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*the next day Ben came to bring Mal down to see Bella but she wasn't interested in co-operating*
Mal: I don't feel like it
Ben: what do you mean?
Mal: I don't feel great
Ben: what's up?
Mal: I don't know, I just don't feel right
Ben: do you need me to get the doctor?
Mal: no, no I'll be fine, I just don't feel like going all the way over there today
Ben: it's not that far
Mal: I don't want to go okay?!
Ben: you said you would
*with her sudden outburst cries began to come from the nursery where their son had just received a rather rude awakening*
Mal: no, no, I can't do anything right!
*in that moment Ben was torn, he wanted to sit and soothe her but he knew he had to go call Mason down, he went into the nursery to find the newborn crying quite dramatically in his crib, Ben lifted him out of his crib and cradled him until he began to settle down when he took Mason back in to find Mal with her legs pulled up tightly to her chest and her head against her knees*
Ben: I think someone wants his mommy
Mal: I doubt it
Ben: Mal, what's this about?
Mal: nothing! I just don't feel up to it!
Ben: babe calm down
*Mal's eyes fell back upon their young son in his arms*
Mal: I just don't wanna go today
Ben: it won't get better if you don't accept it
Mal: Ben please
Ben: fine, I'm not gonna make you, but she doesn't deserve being punished for something that you're trying to punish yourself for
Mal: Ben...
Ben: You're not responsible for this, I can't make you believe that
*he half heartedly kissed her forehead before taking Mason back into the nursery to try and put him back down, she watched them leave and her heart sank, she was making a problem in her own head and that was making it worse and worse and worse like a chain reaction*
Mal: ugh! I just want this to stop being screwed up and start being normal!
*ben quickly pops his head back in to make sure she's okay after hearing her say something and finds her getting properly dressed for the first time in days rather than just an endless cycle of pyjamas*
Ben: you okay?
Mal: uh yeah, I...I'll be back later
*and with that she ran out, he could only hope this would get sorted out, that was if she was going where he hoped, if she could sort it all out by herself then that was great but he had the distinct feeling she'd need some support, support he couldn't give her, it was a perspective he didn't have and a role she wouldn't give him, no matter how hard he'd tried, her walls had come down for him but she still found herself trying to hold them up, even when she didn't want to, something they both hoped she could one day change, but for now, she'd gain the council of someone she'd definitely never expected, Ben only hoped it would be enough


Sorry this is a little crap, it was originally supposed to be a different chapter but I couldn't work it in the way I'd intended so I wrote the first part and had to bulk it out to get to 500 words to post it and yeah, hopefully the next chapter will be less ridiculous lol (no pun intended) xoxo

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