Dance with me

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*eventually everyone had arrived and that meant that they could now begin, everyone looked to the king as he stepped forward and bowed to his queen who curtsied back and took he hand he offered her, allowing him to lead her to the middle of the room, the music began playing*
Ben: you ready?
Mal: with you? Always
*he smiled and then began to lead, she followed as she'd been taught to, what now felt like forever ago, everyone was watching and she knew it but somehow it still felt like they were all alone in the ballroom, dancing around like the movies and the fairytales, they moved around like pros, right then and there, if not for the purple hair, you'd have had almost no idea she was ever from the isle, she looked like she'd been born for this, like she'd been preparing for it her whole life, maybe that was the difference between her and Audrey, and, for that matter, all the other right royal princesses of Auradon, she had not been born to be a queen, she was not raised as royalty, she'd been raised on whatever she could be, the whatever the precious kings and queens, princes and princesses, all of the people who now stood watching her, had decided they no longer wanted, now she ruled over them by the side of her king, he'd always wondered it too, was that why he was so drawn to her? Was that why she always seemed to have the answer that no one else could think of? Whatever it was, he couldn't help feeling like she was what he'd been looking for his whole life, every time he looked at her, he could feel it, everything felt right, he knew it was all right*
Ben: I love you, I hope you know that, I love you with all of my heart and with everything in me
Mal: I do know that Ben, of course I do, as long as you know I feel the same
Ben: I do, this is it, this is right, everything is as it should be, right now
Mal: I know, it's weird, but I really like it, I'm sure now, I'm ready for people to know, I wasn't sure before, I am now
Ben: I'm glad
*soon people started joining them in dancing and they all really began, after a little while however, Mal began to tire and Ben could see it*
Ben: come with me
*he lead her towards some doors and out onto the balcony, no one but them, the young couple were alone*
Ben: I wish I could give you a nice simple life, quiet and peaceful, calm and happy
Mal: Ben you know I'm happy as we are right? Sure at first the idea of being a queen was a pretty insane concept, I wasn't sure what to do, it felt wrong, but I'm used to it now, I actually really like it, it'll always be a bit strange to not be living like I was on the isle but I've been here for over 5 years now, I like where we are, I don't want some quiet little life, I'm not with you because you're the king but it also isn't something that makes me like you less, I'm happy as we are, I wouldn't want anything to change
Ben: you just seems quite unhappy about a lot of it sometimes and I feel bad because you deserve to be happy
Mal: so maybe I'd like it if you didn't do so many late night and if we could do date night more often but I don't mind it, I've been with the king for five years, I know how it goes, you're there when I need you and thats what counts
Ben: I thought you hated being queen, since the wedding you've been down a lot, you don't seem yourself sometimes
Mal: I have been pregnant the entirety of our marriage so far bar the time between when we were actually married and the time it took you to get me in the bedroom
Ben: good point
Mal: so everything's good now yeah? We're completely ready?
Ben: yeah, we are, it's all perfect
Mal: then we'd best get back inside, I think it'll soon be time for my speech
Ben: and then our announcement
Mal: okay then, let's do this


Okay so there's been over 20 chapters in this sequel book and they span just a two day period in the book 😂😂 xoxo

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