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*a few weeks later, things seem to be going well, the pregnancy was going well, all the checks seemed good, they were monitoring her very closely, so closely she felt slightly nervous but tried to keep reminding herself it was only precautionary, they were dealing with it well together and finally finding their rhythm when one day after a meeting Ben returned with a a stressed look upon him face*
Mal: Ben? Are you okay?
Ben: it's nothing babe
Mal: umm okay
*she is about to turn back to what she was doing when his phone buzzes and not even second after checking it he throws it onto the bed in annoyance and what seems to be anger as well*
Mal: yeah no that's not nothing now spill it before I make you
Ben: okay isle Mal coming out to play is she? I definitely don't have an issue with that
Mal: stop trying to move the topic from this to our sex lives
Ben: that obvious?
Mal: yes, now come on, tell me
Ben: it's honestly nothing
Mal: if it was nothing you wouldn't be so pissed so tell me
Ben: no babe, you're finally happy, please just stay happy, that's all I ask of you right now
Mal: Ben, please just tell me
*ben sighs, looking away from her, unable to make eye contact*
Ben: there's rumours going around that 'the baby' which is actually twins isn't mine
*the carefulness of his voice made it hit her that much harder*
Mal: they think I've cheated on you?
*her hurt very real and very clear to him*
Ben: yes, but babe I know you didn't
Mal: you do?
Ben: when would you have had the chance to cheat? You had never slept with anyone until our wedding night and that's the night you got pregnant, plus even if it wasn't you were attached to me for the next 3 months, you had no opportunity to cheat on me
Mal: but everyone else thinks I have?
Ben: I don't know what's going on, some tabloid ran the story and now it's everywhere
Mal: everyone thinks I cheated? Everyone thinks I'm that much of a slut? I didn't do this to you, you know I didn't do this to you?
Ben: I know you didn't and so do so many other people, I'm gonna go make a very angry speech about this shit, I think it's best if you stay here while I do
Mal: don't get yourself in trouble for me
Ben: you're my wife and their queen, if they can't show you some respect on their own then I'll damn well make them
Mal: okay
Ben: I'll be back soon
Mal: alright
*he gave her a tight hug and a quick kiss before storming out of the room, as soon as she knew he was out of earshot she went to their bed and screamed at the top of her lungs into a pillow, she was just so done with all of it, every single thing she did seemed to be wrong, she couldn't even be pregnant right and it felt like it was all caving in on her, she couldn't take much more*


Ima baaaacccckkkk, sorry I was working on my new book which I just posted the prologue for, any rove shippers out there 'One Night Stand' is out now, more bal tomorrow hopefully xoxo

Bal: two different worldsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें