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*mal decided to turn on the tv, figuring whatever he said would be in Auradons news network, she figured he was probably right about her not going, she'd probably end up breaking down in front of them, right now she was not in control of her emotions, at least not enough to hold up under this, all those years of trying not to let her emotions show had left her with a lot bottled up, she was close to breaking point but refused to break just yet, she tried not to think about any of what was going as she waited for the tv to turn on, when it finally did she turned on Auradon's news network and found exactly what she was looking for, Ben walking out to confront them, he looked pretty pissed, she was slightly worried he was gonna do something stupid*
Ben: it's come to my attention and that of my staff that there are rumours being spread about my wife's pregnancy, I find it absolutely disgusting and vile that anyone would see a need to make such foul and unfounded accusations, my wife is 3 months pregnant, we got married 3 months ago, before that night she hadn't ever slept with anyone, I don't care if you believe that or not because it's true and from our wedding night onwards up until now she hasn't had an opportunity to cheat on me as she's be by my side consistently, working tirelessly to try and prove herself to the people who have just taken what's supposed to be one of the happiest times of our lives and people saw the need to try and destroy that? I am the father, there not a single doubt in my mind, the queen has not been unfaithful, I am utterly disgusted that Mal cannot go without judgement purely because of her background, enough is enough, isn't there a line? Isn't messing with something like this just too far? Here is exactly why we are maintaining our privacy in this matter, even more so going forward
*Ben then turns and walks away, Mal felt a lot better having seen him defend her so profusely, she was so glad he had faith in her, she was brought out of her thoughts when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway, she quickly turned off the tv and hid the remote, she led back and pretended to be asleep, he walked in took one look at her and chuckled*
Ben: I'm about as asleep as you are right now
*Mal sits up, trying to look as innocent as possible stared at him blankly*
Mal: I was trying to sleep though
Ben: yeah and I was trying to be nice to those assholes
Mal: play nice
Ben: I'm sorry, about all of this, people wouldn't be saying these things about you if you weren't married to me
Mal: no they wouldn't, because I wouldn't even be pregnant, I wouldn't have all the love I have now, I can take a bit of hate from them, I'll survive
Ben: okay
Mal: now I'm bored of this room, I'm going for a walk, care to join me?
Ben: what kind of man would I be if I said no?
Mal: one with a pregnant and agitated wife
Ben: that twinkle in your eye you get when you're sassing me is something I find rather unsettling
Mal: good, you should be unsettled


But does he really have as much trust as he says he does? Xoxo

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