Good Vs Evil

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*Mal was helpless, her mother had control of her mind, she was stuck in her own head now, her mother's words her only company*
Mal: stop this!
Maleficent: oh darling, do you really think that's gonna convince me to stop? Do you really think ANYTHING you can say that would make that happen?
Mal: I don't intend to beg you for anything mother, I intend to stop you, there's a difference
Maleficent: like someone as weak as you could defeat me
Mal: I will, because I'm fighting for something worth fighting for, you're fighting out of nothing but bitterness and a lust for revenge
Maleficent: even if you manage it, he's still going to die and if I have my way, which I will, you will join your precious little 'king'
Mal: I won't let you harm him
Maleficent: too late, he's already dying, can't you feel it?
*Mal stopped for a moment and realised her mother was right, suddenly she could feel his pain, the agony he was in, she could sense him losing his battle with her mother's magic, she could sense his breath was leaving him and his heart was slowing, he'd soon be gone*
*meanwhile Mal had physically dropped to the ground, jay had just caught her before her head could smack down against the concrete she had previously been stood upon, Evie and Carlos both ran to her as well, her eyes were open but they were glazed over and blazing green, she clearly couldn't see a thing, mostly though because she was too wrapped up in the war that was currently going on for control of her mind to be worried about  doing so*
Jane: it's her mother, it must be
Jane: I CANT!
Evie: WHY NOT?!
Evie: Mal! I know you're in there! I know you can hear me! Please M! Fight her! She can't win! Not now!
*the cries for her best friend left Mal disorientated just long enough for Maleficent to clench control, Mal cried out in pain as her mother wreaked her havoc, but just then Mal once again felt Ben's heartbeat, her senses once again opening to her husbands critical condition, she could sense death growing nearer for him and that was it, that was all she needed, with a yell she flew up form where she had been led on the floor and suddenly her mother appeared in from of her, her anger had summoned her mother before her, there was a dark smirk as Maleficent recited a quick incantation, Mal steeled herself for the full extent of her mother's wrath but when she found nothing came she composed herself quickly*
Maleficent: say goodbye to him darling, he's almost gone
*her mother's malice would be her downfall, it was then Mal truly knew it*
*she grabbed Jane's hand and they hurriedly yelled the incantation Jane had given her, suddenly there was a bright light emanating from the tunnel, as it dissipated Mal managed to see just well enough to see the Barrie's form itself and she knew it was done, all that was left now was her mother*
Maleficent: I'm still here deary, he won't be much longer, AND NEITHER WILL YOU!
*maleficent began to summon all her power for one final attempt at killing Mal, but unfortunately for her, Mal's reactions were much quicker, she quickly whispered a spell and then there it was, Prince Philip's sword, the one that had been used to kill her mother twenty five years ago, in her own hand, she didn't hesitate for even a fraction of a second, she stepped forward placed her hand on her mother's shoulder as she thrust the sword into her mother, plunging the blade straight into her heart with not a single regret, her mother would be able to hurt another person ever again, little did Mal know that fatal damage had already been done*


Yes you read that correctly, Mal DID JUST KILL MALEFICENT and no this time she ain't coming back, but I'm not done yet, Mal literally sensing Ben's pain is honestly something I found so sweet when writing it, I CAN DOUBLE UPDATE! Should I? If I do there's only one chapter left until the end then we move onto book 3, leave a comment if you want the next chapter now or later Xoxo

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