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*later the drove back to the castle and went straight back to their bedroom, Mal went straight to sit down while Ben just leant against the door, carefully watching her, something seemed weird about her behaviour but he couldn't quite figure out what*
Mal: stop staring at me like that
*she wasn't even looking at him and yet she knew he was staring, that was something he found rather unsettling*
Ben: I'm not
*she looks up now, giving immediate eye contact, it wasn't a glare but she definitely didn't seem happy*
Ben: okay so maybe I was staring a little
Mal: why?
Ben: you seem like you're planning to tell me something but you just haven't yet so I'm not sure what's happening
Mal: I'm trying to decide what to do
Ben: about?
Mal: this, telling people about it
Ben: oh
Mal: I feel like it should be done now, keeping it any longer might just seem like I'm hiding something, or we are, or whatever, I'm not even sure anymore
Ben: but there's a catch?
Mal: I know you're ready, you could do this right now and be completely calm but I'm freaking out completely and I don't know why
Ben: so you don't want to tell people?
Mal: I don't know, I'm sorry, ugh I'm making this so difficult
Ben: be as difficult as you want, you do whatever you need to do to get yourself through this okay? I don't care what it is, anything you need to do, do it, take it out on me, I'm here and I can take it
Mal: you don't deserve it though
Ben: and how many times have I gone off on one because of stuff about my say and had a go at you or taken it out on you?
Mal: you don't do that
Ben: I do and you know it, I'm here Mal, I'm not gonna go anywhere, you can't make me go so tell me, what can I do?
Mal: I just...god I don't even know
Ben: can I ask one thing of you?
Mal: of course you can
Ben: I want to tell my parents, whatever they may have done or said they are still my parents and I don't want them to hear it when the rest of the kingdom does
Mal: okay, but I don't want to be there, I just can't right now
Ben: of course not, I wasn't expecting you to, just just want them to know
Mal: okay
Ben: I know there's still a lot of bad blood there but do you want to tell your mother?
Mal: no, I might talk to her about it eventually but I don't feel like I'm in the right place to talk to my mother right now, I want to be sure of myself before I hear from her, because I know that she'll probably try and twist it in my head, especially if she thinks I'm weak, I don't want to risk her getting in my head because I don't know if I'd be able to get her back out again
Ben: I know you could, you're stronger than she ever was but if you don't want to then I have definitely not got an issue with that
Mal: if you want me to stay away from my mother you can just say so
Ben: I could never ask that of you
Mal: why not?
Ben: she's your mother Mal
Mal: you and I both know that doesn't mean the same thing there as it does here
Ben: I want whatever you want and whatever's best for you, that's what I want
Mal: okay
Ben: gonna go talk to my parents now because Evie will be here any minute if that's okay with you?
Mal: sure, I'll see you later
Ben: okay bye babe
*they kiss quickly before pulling away*
Mal: bye


But how are belle and beast gonna take this pregnancy? Xoxo

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