In my head

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*her remaining sleep had been restless, for a while she'd been sleeping calmly, at ease with everything, it was all falling into place, her own little fairytale, but something was troubling her, something felt wrong*
Maleficent: happily ever after if for the weak, when did you become so weak child? I raised you as a daughter of evil, not this prissy little princess you've become? Reliant upon someone? Love is ridiculous, I raised you better
Mal: go away mother!
Maleficent: oh Mal, haven't you learnt by now? You're never gonna be free of me, I'm never going away
Mal: Stop this!
Maleficent: oh dear daughter why do you treat me so wretchedly?
Mal: only doing as I was raised to
Maleficent: you're weak, you were always weak, are you even my daughter?
*for some reason those words hurt Mal, she hated her mother, she truly did, she never ever wanted to be anything like her, but it was still her mother, as a new mother, seeing how badly a bond could be in ruins between a mother and her daughter scared her, even more so, seeing her own relationship with her mother this badly damaged, that was what she was trying to convince herself at the very least, going deeper though she feared it was merely the suggestion she was weak, she had spent years in auradon now but the suggestion she could be weak, that she could have become like the prissy princesses she used to despise, was something that highly offended her, she was a queen, but she was the girl from the isle, she still wanted to remain who she was*
Mal: I am not! I stood up to you! I defeated you! If anyone here is weak it's you!
*her mother laughed, a shrill and nerve wracking noise before her expression suddenly became severe again, malice covering her face as well as replacing the love that should be in a person's heart*
Maleficent: your stupid spell couldn't hold, I'm myself again and have been for a long time as you well know, and now I'm coming back for my revenge, you should take heed child, for you shall soon be defeated
Mal: you'll never win!
Maleficent: and who's gonna stop me? You? Your stupid husband? Your infant children?
*her mother speaking of her children concerned Mal greatly, of her mother ever get near them then they would be in grave danger so hearing her speak of them worried her, she never wanted to hear a word about them come out her mother's mouth, she didn't deserve it, she was as terrible mother and no better as a human being,  she didn't deserve to speak of such beautiful human beings as the twins*
Mal: don't you dare speak of them, they're all much better than you'll ever be
Maleficent: oh and why is that? Because they're oh so precious enough to 'love' you, oh darling you keep telling yourself that
Mal: what?
Maleficent: you're so easy to play, he's wrapped you around his finger and you don't even know it
Mal: shut up! You're lying!
Maleficent: oh darling, why would I need to? I could swipe all this away from you in one blow, what need could I possibly have to deceive you?
*her cool malice scared Mal, she was willing to admit, she was absolutely petrified, she knew damn well she should fear her mother, no matter what, but then it dawned on her*
Mal: you can't do anything to me, you're stuck on the island, you'll always be there!
Maleficent: oh sweetie, it's only a matter of time before that all changes
Mal: you're wrong!
Maleficent: and would you like to know what the first thing I'll do when I get out is?
Mal: stop!
Maleficent: kill everyone you care about
Mal: no you won't!
Maleficent: oh but how I will, see you soon kiddo
Mal: shut up!
*everything began spinning but clear as day Mal could still hear her name being repeated over and over again, at first it was her mother's voice but hen it began to change into another familiar voice*
Ben: Mal! MAL!
*Mal flew up to find the sun beginning to flood through the window, her breathing was hurried as she reacclimatised to her surroundings, shock and worry filling her system, she could hear Ben talk to her but couldn't make out what he was saying*
Ben: Mal! Mal! What's wrong? What happened?
*she slowly calms down but still looks around hurriedly, nervous that somehow her mother might still be there, at the start she'd been sure it was just a dream but the longer it lasted the less sure she became and now she was almost paralysed by the fear that she would do something, she was starting to be able to focus on Ben's words but she needed to do something so she got straight up and ran into the nursery, she had woken up her son but it wasn't her main concern, she picked him up and cradled him in her arms while gently crying in relief, she'd just been rather shaken by everything, Ben rushed in quite confused and knelt down to hug her, she was shaking in his arms and he had no idea why*
Ben: Mal, hey, shhh, what's on earth just happened?
*when she finally calmed down she managed to answer him*
Mal: I saw her, I thought it was just a dream but it became so real I couldn't help it, I thought she might have been here, I don't know what I'd have done if she had been
Ben: who?
Mal: my mother
Ben: babe she's safely on the isle, that was just a nightmare
Ben: shhh, Mal it wasn't real, it was just in your head
Mal: but why is she in my head?! Why does this keep happening?! I just want to be rid of her!
Ben: I know but she's always gonna be there, she's your mother, you'll never emotionally be rid of her, you've just gotta accept that
Mal: I feel so alone when she gets in my head like this, I feel so isolated because I'm so in my own head, I want to be myself but everything about this is telling me to be someone else to be what people expect me to be, I want her to not be my mother because I feel like I'm going to end up just like her and I want to be a better mother for our kids
Ben: you're never alone
Mal: I just feel so trapped in this, why does my mother have such a control over my mind even now?
Ben: she's left her mark on you, she's cut in i she's on that island, she'll forever be stuck there, you're safe, they're safe, you know I'd do anything and everything to keep it that way
Mal: where did the two kids who accidentally fell madly in love go?
Ben: what do you mean?
Mal: we're completely different people from the ones we were when we first got together
Ben: it's true, life hit us like a freight train, but does that matter? We still love each other and we know who we are, we are the same people we just changed as we grew up
Mal: I'm weak
Ben: you are not, by any stretch of the imagination, weak
Mal: rotten to the core...that's what I used to be, I used to hate everything that I've now become
Ben: you aren't a prissy princess and you aren't evil you found yourself in the middle of the two
Mal: did I?
Ben: would you like to go sort out bringing Bella home?
Mal: can we?
Ben: yeah
Mal: then yeah, I really want to bring her back
Ben: it's time for a family day
Mal: yeah



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