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*once Ben had taken Mal back to bed and was sure she was asleep Ben went back with Mason, he had sent for the only person he could think of to help but could only hope there was even a chance of getting tiny amount of usefulness from this*
Belle: you asked for me?
*ben turned to see his mother had entered the room, his parents had just arrived at the castle the night before and thus hadn't had a chance to be formally introduced yet, or even see their son*
Ben: I need your help mom
Belle: oh, uh, okay, I'm sure you can handle it but whatever help I can give
Ben: no, not with them mom, with Mal
Belle: oh
Ben: she needs someone to talk to and you're the only person I know she'd even consider opening up to about what's going on, definitely the most likely to be able to understand where she's coming from
Belle: I can try, but she probably won't want to talk to me
Ben: see that's where I beg to differ, I think she's been so desperate for your approval then entire time we've been together, getting guidance from you, or even to just talk to you and have you listen
Belle: you really think so?
Ben: mom it's been haunting her that you two don't get along for years
Belle: I didn't think it really meant that much to her
Ben: so all the times I've told you it does didn't give you a hint?
Belle: Ben one day you'll come to know what it's like to have to give up your child to someone else, it's hard to let go
Ben: mom your main problem wasn't letting go it was letting Mal in
Belle: I just wanted what's best for you, it's all I've ever wanted
Ben: mom I've been with her for over five years now, we've been married for nearly 9 months, in all the time you couldn't have made more of an effort to accept the women I love?
Belle: I'm sorry, look I'll do what I can, but I don't know what I can say or how useful I can be if you're even right
Ben:if I'm not right mom then the only other option is to turn to her mother and I don't think that would even work, it would probably make matters worse but someone needs to help her sort out what's going on in her head and that someone can't be me because whatever I say she thinks I'm just trying to say what she wants to hear
Belle: okay
Ben: I think I know why she's avoiding Bella but I just don't know what to do anymore mom
Belle: honey, she'll be okay
Ben: I just feel so guilty, she wouldn't be feeling like this if it wasn't for me, I've pushed her  into so much that she wasn't ready for, no wonder she couldn't handle it
*instinctively Belle pulls her son into a hug and they just stay there for a few moments before pulling away*
Belle: It's not your fault
Ben: but it's also not her fault that's what happened did and she's blaming herself, I don't know what I'm supposed to sway or what she's supposed to think
Belle: could I....uh
Ben: you can hold him mom
Belle: thanks
*ben picks his son up and carefully hands him to his mother, he watched contently as she cradled Mason*
Ben: looks like he likes you
Belle: I doubt he has any idea what's going on to be fair
Ben: perhaps
Belle: I should go before your father gets upset he's not met them yet
*they both chuckle as Ben takes his son back*
Ben: tell him we'll probably start having visitors when she's out of here
Belle: do you know how long you've gotta wait?
Ben: a few more days, they had to push it back a few days because there was a bit of a setback with her so they're keeping her in a little longer so they can keep an eye on her
Belle: is she okay?
Ben: eventually she should be but they're worried at the moment, I haven't got the heart to tell her
Belle: it'll get easier
Ben: here's hoping
Belle: let me know when you want me to talk to her
Ben: I've managed to coax her into coming back tomorrow, do you think you could do it then?
Belle: of course
Ben: thank you
Belle: I'll do my best
Ben: at least you might be able to make so sort of reassurance that I can't offer her
Belle: I'll try


I know where I'm going with this even if it doesn't look like it I promise 😂😂 xoxo

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