The beast within

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*it had been almost twenty minutes now they'd been stuck in Ben's office and Mal was getting more and more riled up the longer they were in there, the twins had been put into the bassinets to sleep but neither seemed massively interested in the idea, Ben was knelt down playing quietly with them while Mal paced at the other end of his study, he finally decided he needed to settle her down so he got up with a sigh and moved towards her, she was pacing away from him as he came up behind her and gently but forcefully grabbed her to stop her pacing*
Mal: what are you doing?!
Ben: making you stop
Mal: why?!
Ben: because it's rather agitating
Mal: charming
Ben: no that's Chad
Mal: haha...not
Ben: babe, please, at least we have a chance to sit and bond with them for the first time as a whole family, everyone is in the same place and it's all calm, it's just us
*ben gave a hopeful smile, she shook her head before smiling back at him, she couldn't refuse that offer, nor did she want to, she meant in and kissed him, slowly and passionately, they pulled away for a moment and their eyes locked, in that stare something was shared between them and abruptly they both smashed their lips together*
Jay: okay we get it, you're in love and stuff
*Mal and Ben both jump out of their skin as they are interrupted by Jay, they turn to see that Evie, Jay and Carlos had entered the room while they had been distracted by other things*
Mal: what the hell?!
Carlos: I was about to ask you a pretty similar question
Evie: Ben is this about...?
*Evie began to speak but Ben quickly cut her off anxiously, leaving Mal rather confused*
Ben: Evie!
Mal: what's going on?
Evie: well is it?
Ben: I don't know Evie!
Mal: Ben!
Ben: it's nothing
Mal: don't even lie to me
Ben: Mal...
Mal: what's going on?! Tell me!
Ben: I honestly don't know why we're here
Mal: but you know something
*when he remained silent, baffled and unable to produce any explanation she turned to her best friends, who's eyes went wide the second she did*
Mal: Evie?
Evie: well umm...
Mal: Evie!
Evie: okay! Okay! Ben asked me to keep an eye on what was going on through my magic mirror and well.....
Mal: well what?!
Evie: I can't find Maleficent
Ben: EVIE!
Mal: WHAT?!
Evie: I'm sorry! But she deserved to know!
Mal: damn straight
Ben: what did you want me to do?! I couldn't tell you when you were still pregnant and even the slightest bit of unnecessary stress could've been catastrophic!
Mal: wait, how long have you known about this?!
Evie: she's been missing for a month
Ben: EVIE!
Carlos: we all agreed it was best not to tell you
Mal: you guys knew too?!
Jay: uhh....well....yeah sorta
Mal: what the hell does 'missing' even mean?!
Evie: I can pull up anything else from the isle, my mom, Cruella, Jafar, even bargain castle, but every time I ask he mirror to show me your mother it just goes foggy
Mal: you should've told me!
Ben: you weren't stable enough Mal! Anything could've happened if I hadve told you! I wasn't willing to risk it!
Mal: it was t your decision to make!
Ben: they're my kids too! You're my wife! For god sakes I'm the king! She may be your mother but this is my goddamned kingdom and I have to protect it!
Mal: so what? You think I'd have Let her hurt people, you think I'd have let her terrorise Auradon?!
Ben: of course not! By you weren't well enough to make the decision! You'd have tried to get involved and it wasn't safe for you or them!
Mal: I would never have put them in danger!
Mal: Ben?
*but something had happened, unlike her own, her husband's eyes didn't flash green when his temper rose but she could still see in his eyes that his temper was frayed, she watched as he stormed past her to the door but found it wouldn't open, it had been locked from the outside, meaning he couldn't open it, he began banging on the door while Mal just stood there in shock, she now noticed crying coming from her two young children but she just couldn't make herself move, she was frozen, stuck to the spot like glue, Evie put her arm around Mal, looking at her best friend worriedly, Mal had been with Ben for five and a half years and had almost never seen him have a temper, she could never remember it being this bad and it shocked her, the door was finally opened and Ben once again began to yell*
Ben: I am the king! Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?!
*he was told that someone who knew all the details would be coming to talk to them very soon and then the door was shut in his face, something he highly didn't appreciate*
*it was clear to all four of his friends that he'd really lost it, Evie was frightened, Carlos was nervous, even Jay felt slightly unsettled, then it was like something had clicked, like someone has flicked a switch and Mal sprang back to life, moving straight towards him but just as she did Ben turned and punched a wall rather hard, leaving a dent in it, Jay caught her and pulled her back, worried about her safety, he'd never seen his friend like this before either, he trusted Ben with his life but he still felt he had to protect Mal, Mal turned to jay calmly and nodded to him, jay hesitantly let go of her and she immediately went to her husband, in a sudden movement he whipped round, almost knocking her over by accident, jay caught her and tried to pull her back towards him and away from Ben but she was having none of it, she moved closer but Ben gave her a warning glance*
Ben: Mal don't
*Mal however had no interest in doing what she was told and so instead completely ignored him*
Mal: I'm not scared of you, you're not dangerous
*he couldn't reply to her, he didn't know what had come over him, he'd just lost his mind, almost a beast, it was that same overwhelming feeling he'd heard his father talk about, he'd had outbursts of it before, but nothing like that, he'd been completely blank, he just felt so angry he couldn't protect Mal and he felt so powerless because no one would tell him what was going on, Mal rested her hands gently on his arms, moving to help steady him, he looked at her and she watched his eyes soften as she tried to calm him*
Ben: I'm sorry I kept it from you
Mal: you're right, it was for the best, my body was failing to cope, I was failing to cope, that would've pushed me over the edge
Jay: that's sweet and all but we still don't know why we're actually here, is it your mother or not?
Mal: how should I know?!
Jay: I don't know don't you have some sort of dragon sense thing or something
Mal: we're fairies, not psychics
Jay: whatever
*just then the door opened and they were shocked to see who walked in*


I just really wanted to explore the beast side Ben must have because it never seems to get explored and I 100% think it should have been because Ben is so precious but so underrated, WHO DO YOU THINK HAS COME IN?! Let me know in the comments Xoxo

Bal: two different worldsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum