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*she was soon ready to go so they went down to the castles press room where the reporters became immediately excited by the arrival of the King and Queen, Mal looked at the and was quickly finding herself frightened by them, what if they figured it out? She didn't know if she was ready to tell the world she was pregnant but she knew she wasn't ready for them to figure it out all by themselves, her hand must've tightened around his because he then stopped, turned around and kissed her cheek*
Ben: you're fine, no ones gonna know
*he whispered in her ear and it was like he could read her mind*
Mal: okay
*he leads her to the podium which bore the royal crest, he stood with his arm around her, hand placed gently on the small bump she maintained, she looked at him confused, he'd literally just said they wouldn't know so why was he making it so obvious?*
Ben: as you have most likely heard there will be a whole variety of events tomorrow to celebrate my 21st birthday, I fully intend to go to as many as I can attend and The of course there's the ball which my beautiful new bride was so kind as to help plan
*hearing Ben talk about her so nicely she knew she had to force a smile but the second they were out of earshot he was going to be yelled at so hard*
Rep 1: will her grace be joining you out in the town?
*she looked at him as she thought it through, she knew she should go but she just didn't feel up to it at the moment and he could see it in her eyes*
Ben: Mal won't be coming during the morning although she may join me in the afternoon and of course will be at the ball looking as radiant as ever
*she snuggles into him and he holds onto her a little more tightly*
Rep 2: but she will be making a speech at tomorrow's ball yes?
Ben: umm well I don....
*he went to tell them that she wasn't going to be but he got cut off*
Mal: of course I will be, I can't not toast to my husband on his birthday can I? That would be a bad way to start our marriage
*she chucked and the people went along with it, she was getting very good at keeping that press on her side however much she worried what they were thinking of her, Ben seemed a little confused thinking she would usually hate to give a speech but decided to just go along with it*
Mal: it's going to be a big year for us, I can feel it, and I'm very excited to share that with everyone
*and that was when it clicked for Ben what she was doing, he wasn't quite sure if she was ready for that but he wasn't gonna stop her unless he had too*


Updating at half four in the morning like a boss 😂😂 xoxo

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