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*after that day things began to run much more smoothly, Ben was there when she needed him, whenever she needed him as he'd promised, now, two weeks later, her due date was fast approaching and her nerves were rising intensely, she was basically full-term now, further than she'd been expecting to get without too much of a hitch to begin with, now her hopes were rising and she hated it, she didn't want to have hope for this because she was sure it would all just end badly because everything always seemed to for her and this was going to shatter her, the more hope she had, the more it would hurt, she knew they were worried whether it was still okay or not, she wasn't coping too well physically and neither was she coping very well emotionally but that she could hide*
Ben: you alright baby?
Mal: I've spent most of the last two weeks in bed, I'm bored
Ben: well we've got a doctors appointment later so you'll get out and about then
Mal: what's even the point of that though? Just too be told about all the issues there currently are? My body is beginning to fail to cope, they're dangerously small, they're worried about this that and the other, including both their hearts and and their breathing not being very good, they want how many specialists involved in the birth oh yeah and if I don't go into labour in the next two weeks they want to induce, that about cover it?
*ben sighs as he sits down with her and puts his arm around her, allowing her to lay against him gently*
Ben: it's gonna be okay baby
Mal: Ben please, I've asked you not to promise me things like that because you can't be sure
Ben: I'm sorry
Mal: why did this have to happen to us?
Ben: I don't know honey
Mal: I feel so tired, my whole body is sore and I just feel like this is ripping me apart
Ben: it'll all be over soon
Mal: I'm not ready to let go
Ben: maybe you won't have to
Mal: but it's much more likely I will
*they sit in silence together for a while until Ben finally decides to break the silence*
Ben: we still haven't talked about names
Mal: and we're not going to now
Ben: Mal come on, we've gotta do this stuff eventually
Mal: Ben just stop it! Can you just leave me alone?!
Ben: okay babe settle down, please
*Mal takes a deep breath and nods against his chest*
Mal: I'm sorry
*just then Ben's photo rings and he groans in annoyance, Mal sits up while Ben goes and grabs his phone, he answers it and ends up in a rather heated conversation*
Ben: no, I told you I wasn't going to be there and I meant it, I'm not just leaving her, she's due in two weeks, it could happen at any minute, no, goodbye!
*ben hangs up and sighs annoyedly*
Mal: who was that?
Ben: just someone who wanted me to be at some meeting
Mal: shouldn't you be there then?
Ben: it's not anywhere near as important as they're making out and I'm not leaving you, especially not when we have an appointment this afternoon
Mal: please just go and appease them, they're already agitated that you keep skipping meetings and stuff because of me
Ben: and? Last time I checked I'm the king, I can do whatever the hell I like within reason, this is within reason
Mal: please just go
Ben: but I don't want to leave you
Mal: and I really want you to do just that, look if I need you for anything I'll call you, give me some time to myself would you, you're on my case almost all day pretty much every day babe
Ben: because you don't love it
Mal: shhhhh, now go
Ben: fine, I'll see you soon
Mal: alright, bye
Ben: bye baby and other babies
*he kissed her quickly then plants a gentle kiss on her bump before heading for the door, giving Mal one more backwards glance before he does, the second he's out the door Mal breathes a sigh of relief, she loved him with every fibre of her being but right now she just wanted to be alone for a while, that was never really gonna be a good idea though, was it?*


Okay pls read all this cuz I have two very important things to say:
1) I am SUPER sorry for no updates in like two weeks, I've had so much coursework and I wanted to be able to do this but I'm about to do all in a fluid go so now I have more time because my hand in date has been pushed back so yeah and also
2) For all the ROVE shippers here my new rove book 'together' is out now and I'm super proud of it so pls go check it out if you ship rove and again sorry for the super late update pls don't hate me xoxo

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