Tell me

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*they remained in silence for a good few minutes when Evie left, it felt more like years until Mal finally broke the silence with the question she'd been pondering how to ask since the second her best friend was gone*
Mal: why can't we take Bella? Why is she still here?
*ben didn't turn around and instead just sighed quietly to himself, thus prompting her to ask again*
Mal: Ben? Why can't she leave here?
*ben finally turned to face her and looked her straight in the eye*
Ben: she has good patches and bad patches, she'll be alright for a while and then suddenly she'll go downhill within minutes, she's not stable enough to go to the nursery instead of being here
Mal: how bad is it?
Ben: it's pretty serious, but they're optimistic that she'll be okay eventually
Mal: and how long is eventually?
Ben: it could be a couple of days or a couple of weeks....
Mal: or?
Ben: it could be a few months
Mal: what?
Ben: they don't know at the moment, it's like what happened to you, completely blindsided them, they have no idea why it's happening
Mal: I thought when we had her here it would finally be over, I thought it would all be okay once she was finally born
Ben: so did I, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do, she's so tiny and sweet, she'll be okay, I'm sure she will....I just don't know when
Mal: why do these things keep happening to us?
Ben: I really don't know
Mal: it's also supposed to be an amazing thing, becoming parents, it's supposed to be the best experience of your life, but I don't feel like that, I've never felt like that, it just keeps going from one thing to another, just all collapsing around us
Ben: I know
Mal: sometimes I just wish none of this had ever happened
Ben: I know
Mal: I don't think you do, I don't just mean her being ill and pregnancy going wrong, I mean all of it, maybe this would've all been better if I'd never gotten pregnant in the first place
Ben: don't say that, I don't believe that, I don't believe it's true and I don't believe that you believe it
Mal: I don't know anymore
Ben: I know it's hard right now, I understand that, but you can't give up on them
Mal: I'm not, at least I don't think I am
Ben: we didn't go through all that, YOU didn't go through all that for something that shouldn't have happened
Mal: I'm tired of having a struggle for every single little thing, I'm just tired
Ben: she's going to be okay and when she is, everything will be perfect, inspire of all of this, we'll cherish every moment with them so much more because of this, you can't give up Mal, that's not you at all
Mal: I've had enough of having my heart broken by the people I love
Ben: it's not her fault
Mal: I know it isn't....I just....I don't know
Ben: you're tired, you should rest, we'll talk again later
Mal: you lived a fairytale your entire life, I lived a nightmare....I thought the nightmare had finally ended....I thought I finally had my fairytale too
Ben: I swear to you, if you just give me one more chance for this, you will have the fairytale I promised you
Mal: I don't think I'm ever gonna get the perfect fairytale
Ben: Mal, fairytales are never perfect, they all start happy, then evil takes ahold, then the bad loses and that's when you get your happily ever after, this is just the hard times before the happily ever after
Mal: okay
Ben: rest now, I'll be here when you wake up
Mal: no, they need you more than I do
Ben: Mal...
Mal: be with our kids, that's what I need you to do for me
Ben: alright, I'll come check on you in a bit
Mal: okay
*he gave her a kiss and then left the room, she sat staring at the wall for a while, contemplating things, after quite a while of just staring at the wall in front of her, eventually she finally fell asleep*


My god this is bad but oh well, I did my best, I hope you like it, I'm trying to be as active as I can, I promise when you see what I'm working on you'll forgive me xoxo

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