Reality of matters

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Mal: crap
Ben: yeah, I'm sorry, I thought it was alright but apparently when I explained to the head of the council that I wasn't going to be in attendance today because of this he told the rest of the council, which I expected, but one of them proceeded to send a public good luck and congratulations to us and this everyone knows, or believes they do anyways
Mal: oh
Ben: I'm so sorry
Mal: what happens now?
Ben: we can handle it however you want
Mal: what's the usual rule?
Ben: they put an official notice just outside the gates of the palace which states we have safely welcomed them into the world and both mother and baby or in this case babies are in good health, while they do this we step out onto the balcony at the front of the castle which overlooks the main gates with them for the first time as a way of introducing them to the public for the first time
Mal: should we do that then?
Ben: I don't know if that's a good idea
Mal: if it doesn't have to take very long then it can't hurt
Ben: you can barely stand and she's in an incubator
Mal: ask the doctor then
Ben: are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to do it just because this is the way it's usually done
Mal: I want to do it, I want something about this to be by the book
Ben: okay, we'll see what she says
Mal: I'll wait here
Ben: you want me to go ask right now?
Mal: yeah, please
Ben: uh okay
*she smiles hopefully at him, he kisses her cheek gently, avoiding a smile, not quite sure that he was doing it for the right reasons, he went outside to find the doctor, leaving her alone in the room with their two newborns*
Mal: I apologise in advance for the fact your lives are gonna be so public, I promise your daddy and I are gonna do our best to keep as much privacy for you guys as possible
*she sighed, she loved her husband, she loved her life, she loved the people and the kingdom, but sometimes she wished she had her privacy back, this pregnancy had made her want that more than ever, now she knew she couldn't maintain her children's privacy and it scared her, it scared her to know what often happened to kids in the eye of the public, Ben was good, Ben was pure, but he was also a busy man, he may have vowed to be more involved in his kids' lives than his father was in his but she still feared he would not be able to be there as much as she needed him, it wasn't his fault and she didn't blame him for a second, she'd known all along this was how it would be, as she thought back she was reminded of something Belle had said to her, the first time they had a proper conversation after than news of Mal's pregnancy came out, the words were ringing in Mal's ears at that moment like she was in the room saying them
"He loves you completely, of course he does and he'll love your children too, I know he's promised to be there more than his father was and I do fully believe he intends to keep that promise but there's no point lying to you, you deserve to know, Ben thinks he can keep making all this time but in truth his council will get tired of it fast, no one thinks for you Mal, or your children, they think of what Ben should be doing for the kingdom and you will be expected to do your duty and raise these children to become the rulers their fathers give them the claim to be, Ben gives your child the bloodline to rule, but you Mal, you will be the one responsible for making them one, he'll try his best, he'll do everything he can, but what he can do isn't as much as he promised to do, you must try your best not to blame him for that" the words echoed in her ears, at first Mal had ignored it, figured Belle was just feeling a bit spiteful upon hearing the news, but after their fight about him not keeping his promises it had become very clear to Mal Belle had not been trying to spite her but only warn her, in the hopes of preparing her for what was to come, Mal didn't blame Ben but she knew Belle was right, she's said it herself all along in reality, her job was to give the kingdom an heir and support Ben as he ruled, it would be hard, but she knew he loved her and the twins so she'd figure it out, she found herself brought back to reality when Ben walked back in, having not realised how long she'd been lost in her own thoughts, she looked at him with a slightly impatient look plastered on her face, she wanted to know he answer rather than have it dragged out*
Mal: so?
Ben: we can but she needs to be wrapped up, kept very warm and not out for too long, but apparently it's good to do this to slowly acclimatise her to the outside world so it's less of a shocking transition when she's out of the incubator permanently, she's doing well they said and she's making great progress already
Mal: not even 12 hours old and already doing amazing
Ben: they stole our hearts within ten seconds
Mal: in all honesty I think they stole our hearts long ago
Ben: true
Mal: so are you ready?
Ben: you've seen the pair of us right?
Mal: yeah no we are not ready, go get changed then you can come and watch these two while I get ready okay?
Ben: whatever you like
Mal: this could be interesting
Ben: could be? They're expecting one royal baby and we have two
Mal: this isn't gonna go down well is it?
Ben: it'll be fine
Mal: it was such a bad idea to keep the whole twin thing quiet, I'm sorry I was so stupid
Ben: you weren't stupid, you just wanted to deal with things in our own time rather than under their scrutiny
Mal: it was a stupid idea, just admit it
Ben: I can't say it was the best decision that was made but I understand why you wanted to do it which is why I backed it
Mal: okay, now shoo
Ben: geez okay
*she smirked as he bent down to kiss her before leaving the room and she soon found herself back in her own little world, hoping to just enjoy every moment while it lasted*


It's a longer one for a change so I hope you like it, what do you think will happen when the people find out it's twins not one baby and it was kept from them? Xoxo

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