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Carlos: Jane?!
Jane: hi
Ben: what's going on?
Jane: that's what I'm here to tell you
Mal: they sent you?
Jane: thanks
Mal: oh...I didn't mean....
Jane: I know
*Carlos moved to stand by his girlfriend, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before putting his arm around her waist*
Evie: so what's going on?
Jane: we received confirmation from Yen Sid that Maleficent has in fact disappeared, it seems no one knows where she's gone
Mal: I swear to god, my mother is wretched little....
Evie: she's take that as a compliment
Mal: unfortunately I know
Ben: I still don't understand, why are we here?
Jane: until she can be found we have to assume the worst, that includes keeping all of you under protection
Ben: and when this room is in lockdown no magic coming from the outside can penetrate it....
Evie: so there's no magic in this room?
Mal: great....not
Ben: no technically Mal and Jane could both still use their powers from inside this room but no one outside could use their magic to get in
Jay: wait Jane has powers
Jane: well Jay my mother IS the fairy godmother, note the FAIRY part
Jay: okay sorry, good point
Mal: but there's no way off the island
Jane: but there are the catacombs underneath it
Evie: wait what?!
Mal: what are you talking about?
Ben: oh yeah.....that
Mal: you and I are going to be having a slightly less than polite conversation about what you do and don't tell me when we get out of here
Ben: about two years ago we found out there were catacombs under the island, one of them made an escape route to Auradon
Mal: WHAT?!
Ben: calm down
Mal: how the hell could you keep all this from me?!
Ben: because, I had to decide what was best for everyone, including you and including all of the other people of this kingdom
Mal: I was not anyone, that was MY home, that was MY were my future husband
Ben: and I was everyone's king, if I told you then Evie, Carlos and Jay would have to be told, if I told them then Doug, Jane and Audrey would've been told and people would end up finding out and mass panic would have occurred, people would've made accusations, I couldn't risk it
Evie: technically Jane knows and we didn't though soooo
Jane: I've been taking over some of my mother's royal duties since I graduated with you guys, that assignment was one of them
Mal: what?
Jane: it was my magic that sealed the tunnel and stopped anyone being able to escape
Ben: we believe your parents, with the exception of Maleficent went down their, in search of an escape
Mal: I don't get it, what going on?
Jane: my magic wasn't strong enough alone
Ben: it wasn't your fault, there was more to it than that
Jane: I couldn't do it Ben, I'm sorry
Mal: why didn't your mother do it?
Jane: the same reason you had to help her in fixing the dome five years ago
Mal: her magic is weakening?
Jane: it is
Ben: but it might not even be that
Jane: it's been confirmed, my defences have fallen and there have been strange happenings have been observed by the people who live in the nearby regions of where the site of the exit of the catacombs was found
Ben: you think it's her?
Mal: it isn't
Ben: how can you know that?
Mal: because I'm still alive
Ben: Mal?
Mal: she's sworn to kill me, she knows where to find me, she'd be here by now if she had gotten out of the tunnel
Evie: she's right
Carlos: yeah Maleficent doesn't play around
Jay: she doesn't waste time
*but then suddenly Mal hears Ben's breathing become shaky, she immediately turns to see him out a hand on his chest as an expression of pain spreads across his face, she immediately grabs him and tries to steady him, but she couldn't hold him up and moments later fell to the ground with him, his head in her lap*
Mal: Ben! Ben what's wrong?!
*but Ben could give no reply and moments later he'd completely lost consciousness, she started screaming and Jay immediately began banging on the door, this was her mother's hand, she knew it*


When everyone thought it was gonna be Maleficent or Uma and I'm like lol no it's Jane, my fave underrated precious (other than Ben) because she deserves a bigger part, BUT I IS SNEAKY AND BEN IS DOWN! What will happen?! Will Ben be okay? Is anyone else in danger? What do you guys think will happen? Xoxo

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