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*Mal stood before him, unconscious, his pulse weakening, his heartbeat slowing, his breathing becoming more and more laboured, she found herself stuck at the door, she couldn't move towards him, it was like she was frozen, seeing him like that, it broke her heart, everything that day had pushed her down and torn her apart, she was losing everything, she'd tried to act like she was brave but she wanted to breakdown and fall apart, she wanted to fall into her husbands arms and just cry, she wanted him to hug her and soothe her and kiss her and tell her it would all be okay, but he couldn't do that, she could barley force herself over to him, the closer she got the worse shape he appeared to be in, she wished she could take it all back, go back to the point where she'd had her mother as a lizard before her, she should've killed her then, she should've ended it, Ben would be safe if she had, she took his hand and was shocked for a moment to find how cold his usually warm hand was, she knew deep down it would be but it still took her by surprise, she took a deep breath, thinking it through, true loves kiss? That was what saved Aurora from her mother's magic all those years ago wasn't it? She found her hand falling gently on his cheek, stroking it softly, she had to hold back a slight chuckle as she realised he'd forgotten to shave, he was silly like that, he could rule an entire kingdom but would completely forget to take care of himself if she didn't remind him*
Mal: come on Ben, this has to work
*she gently moved his head to face her, she leaned in and kissed him, slowly, with all the passion she could muster, she'd given her everything, this was all she had left, she pulled away finally and watched for his eyes to open*
Mal: come on, please
*but after a minute there was nothing, she tried again, still nothing, she began relentlessly trying to wake him but it was no use, nothing was working*
*she jumped in shock as the monitors started going haywire and suddenly a bunch of doctors and nurses ran in and she was pushed aside, tears now streaming down her face, of course her mother had deliberately made sure true love couldn't save him, she wouldn't make the same mistake twice, she fell to the floor, a mess of devastation, she was taken outside to watch through the door as the doctors did everything they could to try and save the king, but this was dark and powerful magic and their practical medical approaches stood no chance, she watched as her husband slipped away, watched as the monitor flatlined, watched as her husband lost his life, to her mother, she screamed out in anguish sending lighting bolts flying down from the kingdoms skies and starting storms that would rage throughout Auradon, she ran off, she was gone before anyone could ask where she was going, she couldn't bare the thought of losing him*

*     *     *

*Lumiere walked into the sitting room where Evie and Jay sat at one end of the room awkwardly as Belle sat at the other*
Lumiere: my lady
Belle: what is it?
Cogsworth: we're so sorry, everything that possibly could have been done to save him was
Belle: he's.....
Lumiere: he's gone my lady, his has highness passed away


DUN DUN DUNNNNN, and that is it, BUT, you didn't think this was the end of the story......did you? To find out what has truly just happened and see what will happen next check out the next book in the series, Bal: it starts with me and you, trust me, it'll all be worth it in the end Xoxo

Bal: two different worldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora