What to do

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*he'd taken her back and they had snuggled up so she could try and sleep, it didn't go very well but eventually drifted off for about and hour and a half, she awoke to a really nice smell, smiling as she realised what it was, he chuckled as she rolled over, yawned and then stretched a little and she slowly tried to open her eyes fully*
Ben: lunch is served
Mal: mhhhh
Ben: how you feeling?
Mal: eh
Ben: what's up?
Mal: I don't really know
Ben: talk to me
Mal: I just....I guess I'm nervous
Ben: about what?
Mal: everything, I mean I'm pregnant, there are two small people inside me, that's actually insane
Ben: it is pretty crazy
Mal: what if I screw this up? What if something goes wrong? What if they're finally born and I'm a terrible mother? Then what? Or what if.....
*he finally has to cut her off he sits next to her, leans in and kisses her to stop her talking*
Ben: babe you're overthinking this, you're gonna do absolutely fine, I'm here with you the whole way, remember if you ever even a little worried then the med wing is always there, okay? And I'm always no more than one call away, yeah? You're not gonna screw this up, you're gonna do great, nothing will go wrong and when our two little angels get here you're going to be the best mother you can be and that will be one of the best moms ever, never doubt that or yourself, you have everyone's support okay?
Mal: okay
Ben: is there anything else on your mind? I want to know, I want to be able to support you
Mal: I know you do, I think I'm just gonna need some time to wrap my head around this
Ben: okay, just try not to take longer than six months or we may have an issue
*she smiles and he chuckles before kissing her cheek gently*
Ben: as long as the three of you are happy and healthy you do whatever you like, you're gonna be my pampered princess
Mal: you already pamper me
Ben: but now I'm gonna to do it times three
Mal: dear god just wrap me up in the bubble wrap already
Ben: haha, but that wouldn't work because your belly needs room to grow
Mal: I'm gonna be really fat aren't I? Like fatter than Ursula when she'd been eating too much of her own food again
Ben: you're gonna look adorable with a little bump
Mal: there's two of hem in there, little isn't the word for i.......t......oh no
*the sudden falling of her smile worried Ben, he thought it was sickness but that wasn't even close to what was on her mind right now*
Ben: what's wrong
Mal: I.....I need to talk to fairy godmother, now!
Ben: M why? What's wrong?
Mal: Ben please, I need this, don't ask why just get her fro me
Ben: of course, I'll send for her right now
*petrified of whatever was running through her head Ben hurriedly left the room and had fairy godmother sent for immediately, praying that this was just Mal having a hormonal moment, if only it was*


Uh oh, what do you think is going on with Mal? Why was she so worried? And why did she need fairy godmother? I know but what do you think? Xo

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