Fire in her eyes

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*once Belle had left Mal spent about an hour and a half with her daughter, she felt so much better about everything, she was finally able to start bonding with Bella, it had only been a matter of days and she knew that but it still felt like an eternity to her, eventually Bella was once again fast asleep so Mal decided to let her sleep and come back later, she headed back to try and find Ben but when he was nowhere to be found and Mason was asleep in his crib, she figured he must be in his study so off she went, when she arrived at the doors to his study she could hear Ben's voice, raised in anger, she decided to skip the knocking, very much aware that he only had a temper with regards to a few things and it would probably need tempering, she entered and everything immediately stopped, Ben looked rather angry but the second his eyes fell upon her his face softened, she gave a small and slightly nervous smile in response*
Ben: I'm really sorry I left Mason, I had to attend to something really quickly and didn't want to do t in front of him, I'll be back in a moment I promise
Mal: what's going on?
*she could see Ben thinking, trying to figure out how to avoid answer the question but she knew he wouldn't get that angry unless it was something very important to him and she also knew how to get something out of him, there was one of two ways to get Ben to tell her something he didn't want to, she chose the innocent approach*
Ben: it's nothing babe, I'm sorry
*mal moved from her place just inside the door to go and stand directly in front of him, she could see his hands were balled up into fists still and that worried her, she took his hands in her own, unclenched them as he willingly let her do and then returned her gaze directly into his own*
Mal: please?
*but Ben remained silent so she decided to go with another avenue, she turned and flashed her blazing green eyes at a rather uncomfortable lumiere and a very cautious cogsworth*
Lumiere: the council are demanding an explanation
Mal: about?
*ben tried to pull her back round to face him but she was much too stubborn*
Cogsworth: why the details regarding the royal birth being twins was kept from them
Mal: excuse me?
Lumiere: it's outrageous my lady, some members of the council have fully agreed with that, Grumpy got rather....well, grumpy about it and some of the others did too
Ben: but the general consensus is that I should've have withheld that information
*Mal turned to look at Ben as he spoke and he watched as the fire in her eyes once again raged, he had barely seen that in a long time, especially without her doing it deliberately, for all her struggles with doing so Mal had most definitely become the lady of the court as was expected of her to at least a certain degree, she would never lose the fire but she rarely put it into practice these days, but in that moment she'd had enough, she stormed out of the room before anyone could attempt to stop her, she was on a warpath and he knew it*


It's haunted me for a while now how little of the old spunk MALS had in these books, I know I can change a character as I see fit but it still annoyed me so I'm going to try and bring it back, hopefully it'll work xoxo

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