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*the next few days were a bit of a struggle, Mal was still trying to control her emotions and stop her mind running away with her while the pair of them were trying to also manage their newborn twins, after 3 days they let Mal leave but told her she had to rest, something that wasn't as easy as it sounded, especially when you're Mal....even more so when you have two newborns to look after who are currently living on opposite sides of the castle, Mal was having to spend most of her time in bed with Mason nearby so she could rest, this left Ben away for a lot of the time, it was hard, she had to admit, not being able to see her daughter because she wasn't able to be with the family where she should be and Mal was not very able to go to her, Ben was also struggling, although he tried to mask it as much as he could, it was straining, not being with her or there for her was eating away at him and the fact he was missing the chance to bond with his son only made it worse, but being with his daughter gave him some solace, it had been another three days since the twins were born, now 11 days old, Mal and Ben had decided to to have any visitors until they knew where they stood with Bella, Belle and Beast were eager to see them but Ben had insisted they wait until the young family were settled with the new arrivals, even Evie had been asked to wait until they were settled, but that evening Ben bounded in with an energy and excitement Mal hadn't seen from him in quite a while, she almost envied it, screw it, she did envy it, she was damn jealous, she barely had the energy to get up, she was exhausted, it was almost like he'd had a gallon of coffee, come to think of it, she wouldn't have been surprised at all if that had been the case*
Mal: that much hyperactivity in my presence is just mean, chill out or get out
Ben: just when I was about to bring you good news as well
Mal: I doubt it was that good
Ben: if you don't want to hear it then I can always just keep it to myself
Mal: fine, come on then, out with it
Ben: she's coming home
Mal: what?
Ben: they're releasing her, we can bring her to the nursery tomorrow
Mal: are you serious?
Ben: yeah, Bella's coming home
Mal: we're all finally gonna be together!
Ben: yeah!
Mal: oh god, we're gonna be swamped
Ben: how many people are waiting to see them?
Mal: all our friends, your parents, fairy godmother want to see them, your grandpa, plus all the other stuff we'll have to start actually doing
Ben: screw all that, out daughter is coming home, we aren't doing anything but having family time for the next few days
Mal: we hope
Ben: I KNOW!
Mal: oh dear god, please stop, I'm trying to calm him down
Ben: can I?
Mal: are you calm?
Ben: yes
*he internally rolls his eyes as she sighs before handing Mason to him, it felt strange, she knew it was THEIR son not HER son but it felt weird, she'd been the main one to care for him for days, which considering he'd only been alive for 11 days so it was a pretty large majority, this feeling could only leave her slightly worried about how she'd be when given her daughter, she handed him to Ben and watched carefully as Ben cradled him expertly, she knew it was stupid to be surprised, her become used to Bella, the time she was allowed out of the incubator her had to be so careful with her so of course he knew what he was doing, she let a little possessive but didn't know why, so she instead surprised he thoughts and feels and forced a smile onto her face, Ben smiled at Mason as he quickly settled in his father's arms*
Mal: how did you do that?!
Ben: I've been working with Bella and she just never sleeps unless she's being held so I guess I've just gotten used to it at this point
Mal: perhaps
*they were both so excited for Bella to be released the next day, but both riddled with nerves as well, were they prepared for this? They'd soon find out*


I'm legit barely awake rn, you have no idea, so here's an update I managed to finish, who's excited to see what happens with Bella being released? I'll try and update again as soon as I can, GN Xo

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