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Mal: I don't know why I ran off, I just lost it, it was the final straw, everything seems to just fall apart every time I try and put it back together
Ben: you don't have to explain yourself to me, I just want you to promise me something
Mal: what is it?
Ben: from now on, no matter what's going on, just tell me, tell me what's going on, tell me how you're feeling, let me help you, don't try and do it all on your own, that was always your problem, you don't have to do it all alone, there is more strength in asking for help than there is in trying to do it all alone
Mal: I promise I'll try
Ben: that's all I could ever ask of you
Mal: I never had anyone to talk to before, I'm just not used to having share with someone
Ben: I know that, but Mal it's been five years, we've been together for FIVE YEARS, I am trying SO hard to be understanding but I just can't if you don't tell me
Mal: I hate that how I am hurts you
Ben: it doesn't, I just want you to be happy, I want US to be happy
Mal: then can we go be happy?
Ben: of course
Mal: I should've stayed, I should've just shaken it off, what kind of a mother am I going to be if I can't even handle her crying?
Ben: you've been through a lot, you lost yourself along the way, but I know who you are, stop trying to be the person you think you're expected to be and just be yourself, that's when you'll be the best mother you can be
Mal: I wanna see her
Ben: I bet she wants to see you too
*he got up and put out his hands for her, she took them and he helped her up, she couldn't help hugging him, she was trying to find her half way point between the girl from the isle and the prissy pink princess but she knew wherever that was she needed him and she loved him wholeheartedly*
Ben: what even is our life?
*they both couldn't help chuckling as they they intertwined fingers and stood with barely any space between them*
Mal: who even knows
Ben: how did we turn a love spell into into this?
Mal: god only knows
Ben: I was sure I wouldn't find the girl I'd spend my life with for a long time after I took the throne, if I ever did and yet just weeks before my coronation I ended up with you
Mal: I didn't think I'd ever even fall in love, I didn't really think I'd ever get the chance to be a mother, I definitely never expected to be a queen
Ben: come on, we have our whole lives to have these conversations, these moments with the kids happen now, let's be there now
*she quickly stood up on her tippy toes to kiss him and then dragged him out to the living room where Maurice was clearly so happy to be playing with his great grandchildren, he was getting on now but was still up for having a good play with the two infants, he fully intended to still be an active old man when they were old enough to start playing properly, Ben and Mal couldn't help smiling while watching Ben's grandfather obsess over their two newborns*
Ben: grandpa?
Maurice: oh there you are, I think they're getting tired of their old pops
Ben: is that what we're getting them to call you then?
*both Mal and Ben chuckled at the smiling eye roll Ben's suggestion was met with*
Ben: hi baby
*Ben greeted Bella as he carefully picked her up and cradled her happily, slightly anxiously but as confidently as she could, Mal stepped forward and stood beside her husband, she watched as her daughter fidgeted in her sleep while both her parents smiled down at her, Mason was also enjoying himself, cuddled up in Maurice's arms*
Ben: you want to hold her?
Mal: uhh, maybe leave it a little while longer
Ben: you got this, she doesn't know anything that happened, she'll never know unless we tell her, it's okay
*Mal bit her lip nervously as she looked Ben straight in the eyes but his warm and supportive smile finally coaxed her into it, she nodded and gently he placed Bella in her arms, still keep one arm supporting Mal's to reassure her as he could see she was shaking a little, he wrapped his other arm around her and left her rest her head on his shoulder, resting his gently on hers*
Mal: hi baby girl
*ben stood with her for a few moments while she steadied herself and once he was sure she was steady enough he moved away to take his son from his grandfather, that was special for him as well, he'd had to spend so much away from Mal and Mason to be with Bella he hadn't had much of a chance to bond with his son, he knew they weren't even two weeks old but every second was so important to him, especially knowing that as soon as he went back to trying to rule and be a father and a husband in equal proportions he'd not have anywhere near as much time to see them, every moment now was precious, he had his promise to Mal echoing in his head 'you tell me what you want to do, where you need me and when and I'll be there, that's my promise to you', he couldn't help worrying she'd been right and he'd promised too much, just then he was brought out from his thoughts by his grandfather, a welcome distraction from his own mind*
Maurice: let me go find my camera! I want a picture to put up so I can still see a reminder of them between your visits!
Ben: grandpa, you know you're welcome at the palace, we'd love having you around
Maurice: oh Ben, I'm an old man, much too late for me to be moving anywhere, and I wouldn't want to be stepping on your toes, you're ew parents, you need your own space
Ben: grandpa...
Maurice: Ben you know I love the both of you dearly, but I could never leave here, it's been my home since I married your grandmother so many years ago, a part of her is still here for me, I could never leave it
Ben: I understand, but please, come visit, We'd love to see you more
Maurice: I might just take you up on that
*Maurice hobbled off to find his camera, when he came back he got them to stand together with the twins in the way you do with family pictures and they were both met with the strange sensation of family like they'd never felt before, it had all just clicked, they spent the rest of the morning with Maurice before finally taking their leave*


Long chapter to apologise for my disappearance but now I'm super inspired and hoping to get a lot of writing done over the next few weeks, but also I need to ask, do any of you happen to know if I mentioned Mal's birthday in this book (mostly the last like 10-20 chapters) because I can't remember if I decided to glaze over it of leave it for the time being and I want to know because if I left it then I wanna write it in but obviously not if I already said I'd skipped past it because I know it's approximately around here in the timeline but I'm not sure what I did and I can't stand to re-read my own writing properly to be sure, if you do know pls tell me Xoxo

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