She's back

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(Just gonna say now I'm not naming the council members other than grumpy because he's the only one we know about and I couldn't decide who would fit the characters I gave them so xo)

*she soon arrived at the doors of the council chambers, without a second thought she stormed straight through the doors and interrupted the councils discussions without a care in the world*
Mal: so you've decided that you should be privy to details that do not concern you, have you?
*for a moment they appeared to be in shock by the sudden outburst from the queen who had barely been seen in 6 months, but then someone decided to stand up against her*
CM1: it was pertinent to matters of the council so yes, we should have been informed
Mal: you are not in charge of my husband or what he tells you about our personal lives, it was NOT your jurisdiction, you have NO right to demand that of him, so get your noses the hell out of this!
CM2: I'm afraid to say you have no power here, this is not YOUR council, WE do not take our orders from YOU, I suggest you respect that, my lady
Mal: perhaps you've forgotten who I lord
CM2: what exactly are you trying to say
Mal: you can decide that for yourself I'm sure
CM1: we're still waiting for an explanation
Mal: oh I'm sorry was I not clear? You have NO right to know, it was kept from you because I decided I wanted it to be, HE was just doing what I asked of him, we had our reasons and perhaps one day you will come to know them but for the time being DO NOT push me, I AM NOT going to play games about this, he is your KING and you don't get to make those kinds of demands from him, I WILL NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS AGAIN!
CM3: who exactly do you think you are to tell us what to do? What gives you the right to yell at the Kings council in the Kings council chambers
Mal: the Queen, the person who stopped HER OWN MOTHER from taking all of Auradon for the evil in this world at his coronation, the person who was willing to do whatever necessary to keep that barrier up at all costs when it began to fail, I CARRIED HIS TWO CHILDREN AND GAVE THE KINGDOM TWO HEIRS! THAT is who I think I am, never in my life have I backed down or let someone walk all over me, it's my prerogative to not want to share something like that, I decided to keep it quiet and so he did as I asked, don't come after him for backing a decision I made for the best interests of our family
*they all remain silent as Ben steps in, having watched and listened from outside, he comes up from behind her and wraps his arm around her and kisses her cheek*
CM2: finally, please deal with your wife
Ben: how exactly would you like me to 'deal' with her, she was right and she deserves the respect you would give me, if you cannot give her the respect she deserves then you are welcome to remove yourself from the council, she is your queen and she has given more for this country than anyone in our generation has been expected to
Grumpy: she's done more than most of you lot so perhaps you should listen up and pay attention
Ben: babe, come on
Mal: just one last thing, I've been the lady of the court that I was expected to be, I will continue to do my best to be what I'm supposed to be, but DO NOT forget who I am and DO NOT be mistaken for someone who will just be walked all over to be your idea of what I should be, I do what is expected but I am not going to be your puppet
*with that she turns and leaves, she lets a smirk cross her lips as she hears grumpy clapping and praising her to rub it in the faces of those who'd questioned her before, she was grateful for his support, he'd liked her since the day he'd met her*
Ben: that was quite something
*Mal jumped when she heard Ben speaking, having not known he was behind her*
Mal: I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have, I didn't want to get you in trouble with them, I just couldn't listen to them demanding that, they have no right to know!
*as she spoke she became more and more emotional and as she finished speaking she fell into his arms in tears*
Ben: no they didn't, it's okay, you've not gotten me in trouble, it's fine, come on, where's my firecracker of a wife gone?
*she pulls away from him laughing, he kisses her and then takes her hand in his*
Ben: we have somewhere much more important to be
Mal: and I'm so gonna beat you there
*wth that she chuckles and runs off*
*he laughs too as he begins chasing her down the hallways back to the nursery*


I feel like I legit need to make a writing schedule but I know I won't stick to it so it's pretty pointless 😂😂 xoxo

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