Dinner for two

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*he led her down to the great dinning hall, somewhere they had barely been to in months, the great table set with two seats, Ben pulled out Mal's chair and, once she had taken her seat, carefully pushed her back in before taking his own seat*
Ben: this is really nice
Mal: I tried my best
Ben: you did a good job, you've given me a great day
Mal: how I've just been a pain all day
Ben: you let me take care of you, that's all I want to be able to do
Mal: are you happy about this?
Ben: of course I am
Mal: excited?
Ben: yeah, why are you asking?
Mal: I just wanted to know
Ben: what about you?
Mal: happy I think
Ben: excited?
Mal: yeah, just a bit nervous too
Ben: that's okay, if you weren't nervous I'd be worried about your sanity
*they both chuckle a little as they begin to eat*
Mal: we're gonna get through this aren't we?
Ben: of course babe, together we can do anything
Mal: I break your hand when the time comes I apologise in advance
*ben chuckles and kisses her cheek*
Ben: I'll survive
Mal: 6 months, God that's a long time to wait
Ben: we've been together for just over 5 years, it too you almost that to finally let me marry you, waiting has become my talent
Mal: you don't have to grow them in you
Ben: very good point
Mal: I want to announce this tonight, if you're okay with that
Ben: I am absolutely okay with that
Mal: okay
Ben: who's talking?
Mal: you duh
Ben: okay
Mal: I'm just gonna stand there and try not to look like I'm dying inside
Ben: it'll be fine babe
Mal: famous last words
Ben: what are you afraid of?
Mal: that they'll start hunting me down with pitchforks
*he was pretty sure she was sarcastic so he chuckled a little*
Ben: they're not gonna hunt you down you with pitchforks
Mal: I'm so gonna get my own way all the damn time with this
Ben: because you don't anyway?
Mal: dude I'm pregnant don't be so mean to me
*he chuckles as a smirk spreads across her face*
Ben: your wish is my command
Mal: you're not Genie
Ben: but you're still gonna get whatever you want and you don't have only three picks
Mal: your babies want strawberries
*ben smiles and rolls his eyes jokingly*
Ben: and by that you mean their mother wants them and figured she could get away with saying it was them
Mal: dude just give me strawberries don't be such an ass about it, I'm growing your children in me here
*he chuckles, even though he's not completely sure whether she's kidding or not*
Ben: babe the strawberries are right there, is this pregnancy affecting your eyesight or something?
Mal: are you asking to be slapped?
Ben: Depends how you do it
*her face is a mixture of having found that insanely funny and insanely disgusting while he smirks*
Mal: like seriously this is how I ended up pregnant, remarks like that
Ben: you don't want it then don't do it
Mal: can you stop talking dirty to me for like 5 seconds so I can actually focus
Ben: I get you that hot and bothered do I?
Mal: Ben that is literally gross
Ben: eh
Mal: I'm pregnant with your twins, don't be so creepy
Ben: okay babe, come on, eat up, the night is young, we've still got quite a bit of partying to do
Mal: I swear I need to be way more drunk for this and I can't have a drink
Ben: haha you'll be fine
Mal: once again I shall remind you, famous.....last.....words


Idek what this is but it's an update and I like it so yeah maybe I do know what it is 😂😂 xoxo

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