Meet your people

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*Once they were ready they were sat just inside from the balcony, preparing themselves for what was about to happen, they knew full well there would be backlash from this secret but it was time to tell the truth*
Ben: you ready?
Mal: the amount of times you've had to ask me that during these few years is slightly worrying
Ben: eh
Mal: I want this understood now, I made this decision, I said this was what we were going to do, I told you we were going to keep this to ourselves, if anything happens, if anyone says anything against that, if something happens because of it, it was me, you are not taking the hit to shield me, you understand? You aren't gonna lie to cover for me, you just did as you were told
Ben: I am the king you know, I don't usually take the orders
Mal: I'm your wife, I just had your two children, you do whatever the damn hell I tell you to do
Ben: true, very true
Ben: I will defend you no matter what you say
Mal: you are not taking the hit for me Ben: this is so stupid, it's our personal business, not everything should have to be public knowledge
Mal: yeah well that's what happens when you're you
Ben: okay, it's time,
Mal: okay, lets do this
*they prepare to step out onto the balcony as the official notice about the royal births is placed as Ben had told her and then the announcement was to be made before they showed their newborns off proudly to their people*
Lumiere: the royal family are proud to announce the safe arrival for the first time parents, King Ben and Queen Mal are proud to introduce to the public for the first time, the new royals Prince Mason Brooklyn Beast and Princess Isabella Felicity Beast
*massive cheers and applause can be heard as Ben leads forward onto the balcony, carefully holding his tiny baby daughter in his strong arms, she toiled even smaller in his arms, it was crazy, Mal kept her eyes on her son, fearful of looking up and seeing the people's reaction to the shock, it went completely quiet as soon as the people noticed the second bundle, they had all been expecting one royal baby and were being introduced to two*
Ben: we thank you all for your love and support during this time, we are so thankful for everything, we couldn't ask for more love for our children to grow up surrounded by and we are excited to see what the future holds as new parents
*he steps away from the podium and microphone so they can't hear him anymore, there's a pause where everything was silent and then cheering and applause began again, clearly less than before but that had been expected, even the staff of the palace had been shocked at the news, lumiere and cogsworth however were already aware, as Ben's most trusted advisors, and very much like uncles, he had secretly shared the news with them a month prior*
Ben: you alright?
Mal: yeah, careful, her blanket's coming loose
*Mal's diversion had done very little to cover up the truth that she wasn't really sure how she felt but Ben let it slip anyway, he didn't want to upset her right now, he knew she wasn't as well as she was claiming to be and wasn't willing to push her and risk something happening as a result*
Mal: how long do we have to stay out here?
Ben: a few more minute then she goes back to the doctor and you're going to bed
Mal: you know we're really calling her Bella right? Just sounded more Royal and proper to go with Isabella
Ben: yep, I mean I'm not actually Ben am I? Technically anyways
Mal: this is crazy isn't it? You're 21, I literally turned 22 less than a month ago, we have yep kids and we're barely in our twenties, you rule a kingdom for crying out loud, ever single part of our lives is absolutely completely nuts
Ben: so what? I like a bit of crazy in my life
Mal: this is much more than a little bit of crazy
Ben: that works too
*the stay and smile and post for the cameras for a little bit longer before Ben finally ushers her back inside and then begins with the marching orders*
Ben: you're gonna go and wait in the nursery with him while I take her back down to the doctor, I'll come start over and we can put him down together, then we're gonna get you to bed and I will go back and stay with her until you wake up and then if you want we can switch it's up to you, okay?
Mal: uh yeahhhh I guess, I think you may need to give me a minute to process what you just said but sure
Ben: you and him to the nursery
Mal: yep k I can definitely do that
Ben: great, I'll meet you there as soon as I can
Mal: alright, I mean, are you sure you don't want me to take her?
Ben: go sit down
Mal: fineeeee
Ben: you're special honey
Mal: thank you, I take that as a great compliment
Ben: you do that
*with they they went their separate ways*


THE NAMES HAVE BEEN REVEALED! What do you think of them? I have legit been trying to figure them out for like a year you have no idea 😂😂 Also if I was to aim to post again today what would you guys think about that? Xoxo

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