Sad, Beautiful, Tragic

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Yes I did name this chapter after a T Swift song, no I don't regret it
*soon fairy godmother arrived and was ushered over robbed who was left outside after Mal had refused to have him let back in*
FG: what's wrong?
Ben: she won't let me in so I don't have a clue, all I know is that we'd finally figured everything out, we were happy and in a good place then suddenly she got really upset and wanted you sent for
FG: what's going on Ben?
Ben: I think you should let her tell you
*she nods and heads in*
FG: Mal, what's wrong? I came over here as quickly as I could
Mal: I....I'm pregnant
FG: well congratulations
*fairy godmother couldn't under why she had been went for until she heard the next words out of Mal's mouth
Mal: it's twins
FG: oh gosh, Mal I'm so sorry
Mal: so it's true then?
FG: I'm afraid so
Mal: damnit!
FG: Mal, calm down, it doesn't always happen, there's a chance it won't
Mal: a tiny chance, I've heard the stories, it's all going to go wrong and it's all my fault!
FG: that's not your fault
Mal: I should've been more careful!
FG: Mal I'll go with you to talk to your doctor tomorrow, we'll get this all sorted out and then you'll be in the best possible care, the best possible hands, they'll do everything possible to make sure it doesn't happen
Mal: and if they can't do anything? How do I live with that? It's my fault!
FG: you were born like this, you didn't get a choice Mal, you cannot blame yourself for this
*ben meanwhile stood outside the door trying to head what was being said, what he did catch confused him, what were they on about? It made no sense to him*
FG: you need to tell him
Mal: how can I tell him this? He'll hate me, for fuck sakes I hate me!
FG: he won't hate you, he can't, there is no way he can, it's not your fault, you can't be blamed for this
Mal: but it's all my fault
*mal breaks down into tears, it hurts Ben to not be able to just run to her and hold her but right now she wanted her space from him, he didn't know why and that made it that much worse, what could possibly be this terrible? What were they talking about?*
FG: I'll sort it all out okay?
*Mal sniffs and try's to pull herself together*
Mal: wait, tomorrow's Ben's birthday, I can't
FG: we'll figure it out, it'll be fine, we're all going to do our best for you
Mal: and if there's nothing we can do?
FG: try not to think like that okay?
Mal: I wish I could
FG: talk to him Mal, he wants to be there for you, and he has a right to know
Mal: okay
FG: and try and get as much rest as you can, it'll help
Mal: you and I both know there's nothing that can be done to help me
FG: that's not true
Mal: we'll see
*fairy g heads out to Ben who is stood looking at her in confusion*
Ben: what's going on?
FG: she needs to be the one to tell you this
Ben: okayyyyy
FG: whatever happens, it's not her fault
Ben: okay
*she nods at him sympathetically before leaving, he takes a deep breath and goes in to find her having retreated to under the covers since he'd last been in there, he went and sat on the bed, facing her, leaving a little distance between them so she didn't feel surrounded or anything*
Ben: Mal what's going on? We were finally okay and then suddenly we were again
Mal: I was so wrapped up in everything that it never crossed my mind until that moment, I had to check with her before I said anything to you
Ben: just tell me, I can take it
Mal: I....I'm so sorry
Ben: why?
Mal: I'm part fairy, meaning the twins should be too, but when twins try to develop magic powers together, which they begin to do while they're still in me, it doesn't work, it all goes wrong
Ben: Mal what's going on? You're scaring me
Mal: it's very rare for a set of twins who are part, or even completely, fairy to both survive
Ben: what are you saying?
Mal: there's less than a 5% chance that both twins will be born alive and well
Ben: w....what?
Mal: I'm so sorry, it's all my fault
*she breaks down into tears yet again, he goes straight to her and carefully pulls her into his lap, she cries into his chest*
Ben: we are all going to do everything in our power to make sure when the time comes all three of you are still happy and healthy, you understand? I don't care what I have to do, I will do everything I possibly can to protect you all
Mal: you can't Ben, it's just a freak of nature and I'm only half fairy
Ben: there must be something we can do!
Mal: I'm so sorry, I hate this, I hate myself!
Ben: don't you dare say that! Don't you dare blame yourself for this
Mal: but it's my fault
Ben: you are not to blame for this, nothing has even happened yet, you could still be in that percentage where everything's fine
Mal: if only that was actually even close to likely to happen
Ben: we've just gotta do our best and hope for the best
Mal: and if my best isn't enough?
Ben: then you did everything you could and we will still have a beautiful baby to raise, but I fully intend to be able to walk onto that balcony and introduce our kingdom to its two new royal heirs, I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens
Mal: I just hope it's enough


Dun dun dunnnnnnn xoxo

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