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*A month later they were preparing to go to the grand opening of a new exhibit of their wedding and Mal's coronation *
Mal: I don't like this dress
Ben: that's because you can see your bump
Mal: exactly
Ben: it looks cute
Mal: I swear the people designing my dresses right now don't comprehend the fact I don't want to be waving my pregnancy around and reminding people continuously
Ben: then wear a different dress?
Mal: I've already tried on five and I don't like how any of them look, one of them was pink, PINK I TELL YOU!
*ben chuckles and gets a pillow in the face as punishment*
Mal: Ben its not funny!
Ben: I told you that you didn't have to go if you don't feel like it
Mal: it's an exhibit of our wedding and my coronation, if I don't attend then I look really bad and I want to go, I jut want to go in a dress that doesn't make my stomach look like a freaking watermelon!
Ben: it doesn't look like that at all, you have twins in you, you're gonna be a bit bigger than a usually pregnancy, you still look amazing, you're glowing
Mal: that was literally so cringy, and I don't want to look like I'm having twins because no one knows I'm having twins except you me, Evie, Doug, Fairy G and the doctor, I don't even like that that many people know so I don't want anyone figuring it out
Ben: they aren't gonna be able to guess you're pregnant with twins just because your bump is a little bigger than normal and it's not even bigger than normal at the moment
Mal: yeah and whys that? Oh yeah I know, because my body is failing at helping our children grow so they're dangerously small
Ben: the doctor never said 'dangerously small'
Mal: it was written all over her face
Ben: I like this dress, can we just go with this dress because you love me and otherwise we're gonna be late
Mal: ugh fine
*he pulls a soppy face so she rolls her eyes jokingly with a smile on her face and stands in her tippy toes to peck his lips before turning and walking away with him following behind, they head down to the front doors of the castle and then into the royal limo, beginning their 1 minute drive the the museum*
Ben: babe, I want you to know that you look just as beautiful as you did before this pregnancy, that's never going to change to me, I love every inch of you, your bump is the cutest thing I've ever seen, you need to know that
Mal: even if you think that, other people probably don't agree
Ben: pregnancy suits you, you look fantastic and anyone who disagrees is kidding themselves
Mal: why is this all so hard? Why do I keep doubting everything
Ben: because we're new to this, we don't know what's supposed to happen, we have no experience
Mal: I guess
Ben: just be yourself, you're perfect the way you are
Mal: highly debatable
Ben: not to me
*after a while they finally arrive, Ben opens his door, gets out, then goes around and helps her out*
Mal: soon I'm just gonna make you carry me everywhere because this is seriously starting to be a real pain in the ass, the irony being it is literally only my ass that isn't actually being too affected by this yet
Ben: thanks for those details
Mal: I'm going to be pushing your children out of me, if you can't handle this then that's a little worrying
*he smiles as he moves her gently out of the way and then shuts the limo door behind her, he takes her hand and gestures for her to lead the way, people step out of their way as they make their way to the front of the room, a few words are said and then they are handed the scissors to cut the ribbon*
Ben: you ready?
Mal: yep
Ben: we now declare this exhibit to be open!
*the cut the ribbon and it falls away, they stand out of the way as people head in to see the exhibit*
Mal: I feel so short right now
Ben: what do you mean?
Mal: well usually I'd have just worn heals to be taller and I wouldn't feel so small but now I can't I'm like a foot shorter than you and it's annoying
Ben: if I could shrink to make you feel better babe I'd do it, but I can't I'm afraid
Mal: whyyyyyyy
Ben: it's just not possible unless you spell me and we agreed you weren't gonna spell me again after what happened last time
Mal: you were only orange for like a week
Ben: yes because only fits into that sentence
Mal: I'm growing your children be thankful I don't make you orange right now and make you stay like that, the effort involved is ridiculous
Ben: remind me to not get you pregnant again in the near future
Mal: like I'm giving you the chance
Ben: okay then
Mal: I'm kidding.....probably
Ben: 4 more months
Mal: here's hoping we get there
Ben: we will
Mal: how can you have so much hope?
Ben: because I've got you
*she kissed him and then snuggles into him for a hug, something he happily returns, he wasn't as sure as he made out to be but he had hope, just about*


So it's a filler because I can't decide if I wanna skip to the big scene that happens at 8 months or ride out the pregnancy storm a little more lol, what do you think I should do? Xoxo

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