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*Ben stood back as he watched them deal with Mal, who was fairly soon cleared in acceptable health, he sat beside her and tried to calm her down, when she finally became calmer she rolled over and turned away from him, unable to look at the father of her two children, unaware of if they were okay or not*
Ben: Mal please
*she ignored him, tears started falling so he sat on the edge of the bed beside her and rubbed her back gently*
Mal: I want to see them!
Ben: I don't know if you can see them both right now
Ben: okay, I'll go see what I can do
Mal: I'm sorry
Ben: never be sorry for this
Mal: if she...
Ben: it's not your fault
Mal: how isn't it?
Ben: maybe some things just aren't meant to be
*she nods, trying not to cry again as he smiles at her supportively, trying to hide the hurt he was feeling himself, and then steps out of the room, she shut her eyes for a few moments, trying to calm herself down as best she could, taking in what she'd just experienced, but then it started getting mixed with flashbacks, little Mal back on the island, being locked in her room after she'd helped the goblin pick up his apples, the time her mother had mocked her for caring that she hadn't been invited to Evie's birthday party when they were 6, every time her mother had called her a failure, her mother mocking her was becoming all she could hear, flashes of what had just happened with those of her mother at her angriest it was all beginning to overwhelm her when she heard the door open and was grateful to be brought out of her own mind, although the words of her mother still lingered, her face instantly softened into a huge smile when she saw Ben wasn't alone*
Ben: someone would like to meet you properly
*his grin was the sweetest thing she'd ever seen, he was so excited to have his son in his arms it was unbelievable*
Mal: can I?
Ben: of course babe
*he came over to her and carefully placed their son in her arms, she smiled as she looked down at the little face of her son, he slowly opened his eyes and she smiled as she saw a pair of green eyes which mirrored her own looking back up at her*
Ben: he's got your eyes
*she pulled a little face and he giggled, causing her smile to grow, in that moment nothing but her son and her husband were in her mind*
Mal: and your little dimples
Ben: you have dimples too
Mal: but these are definitely yours
*he chuckles while she grins at him cheekily*
Ben: okay then
*they spend just over 10 minutes just enjoying their baby son but then he watches the smile on her face turn as she looks back down at her son and her mind flashes back to his twin sister, still not knowing what was happening with her*
Ben: if something had've happened we'd have been told by now
Mal: speak of the devil
*the doctor walked in just as Mal spoke, Mal kissed her son's forehead gently, thankful at the very least for his good health, Ben hurriedly sat down beside Mal and took her hand, not liking the look on the doctors face*
Mal: how is she?
Doctor: she was very weak, worryingly small, we were very concerned about her
Mal: please just say it already, she didn't make it did she?
Doctor: I think there's someone else you might want to ask about that
*one of the nurse walked into the room with a little bundle in her arms, at first Mal's heart was breaking, she thought this was for her to say goodbye, Ben took their son from her and watched her eyes light up as she was handed the bundle and saw a little baby girl, wide eyed, staring up at her*
Mal: she's okay?!
*she burst out into happy tears, a huge smile across her face as she held her daughter close and kissed her forehead so many times Ben couldn't stop chuckling softly, tears falling out of his eyes too*
Doctor: we want to keep a close eye on all three of you for the next week or two, she'll probably have to stay here until we can be sure she's alright but we are confident she's going to be okay
Mal: thank you so much
Doctor: of course my lady, we will have to take her back soon, she needs to be in a controlled environment so we can make sure she remains in good health, she's still dangerously small
Mal: okay
Doctor: congratulations again
Ben: thank you for everything doc
Doctor: of course
*she left and Mal and Ben kissed almost instantaneously, everyone was okay, Mal couldn't believe it, she just couldn't stop crying with joy*


I finished this yesterday night but fell asleep and then just kept forgetting to post it lol, SO EVERYONES OKAY! But are they really out of the woods yet? You'll just have to wait and see won't you xoxo

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