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*when Ben walked in the next morning he found Evie fast asleep at Mal's bedside, he couldn't help smiling a little to see that she'd finally found enough peace to sleep, being the gentleman hat he was Ben got her a blanket and made sure she'd been wrapped up warmly in it, it was a rather cold night in Auradon, it was mid-November after all, something about this night felt Frosties than normal though, some about it felt wrong, Ben couldn't place it so he decided to just let it go, he sat in the chair on the other side of Mal and took her hand, it was so cold that for a second he did a double take, had he just taken hold of his wife's hand or a block of ice?*
Ben: god you're so cold
*he placed his palm gently on her cheek to caress her face but was overwhelmed by the coldness that had taken ahold of her*
Ben: I have someone who'd like to see you
*he let her go for a moment and stepped out of the room, when he returned he wasn't alone*
Ben: He wanted to see his mommy, he wouldn't sleep for me
*Ben brought their son over and placed him carefully against her chest, he watched on as Mason snuggled up against his mother and quickly fell asleep, Ben could only smile, he seemed to know exactly who she was even though that was probably impossible*
Ben: why does this keep happening to us? Why is it always a back and forth of problems? One thing goes wrong and then when that finally goes right something else screws up, I hate it, you deserve so much better, I thought I'd be able to give you everything but I can't seem to do anything for you in any way shape or form
Mal: hmm
*he immediately jumped having heard a little mumble come from her, he looked straight at her but her eyes remained closed, perhaps he'd been confused and it was just Evie, he settled back down and watched as Mason made a cute little face*
Ben: you having a nice dream there buddy?
Mal: Ben...
*now he was definitely sure that one was her, he knew her voice better than anyone's, but yet her eyes remained shut and she remained completely unconscious, he'd almost lost his hope yet again when her fingers began to move*
Ben: Mal? Come on babe, please wake up, if you're gonna do it, now would be a really great time
*but her fingers had stopped moving and nothing more had happened*
Ben: damnit! I knew you shouldn't have been released so quickly! You weren't ready! I swear to god I've gotta stop just letting you do whatever without any argument, you don't know when to stop!
Mal: Ben?
*and then he saw it, her eyes fluttered open*
Ben: Mal!
Mal: what's going on? What happened?
Ben: you passed out and you just didn't wake up, your vitals went haywire and the weather did with it, they didn't know what was happening,m....we didn't know what was going to happen to you
*Mal soon become aware of her son being led against her chest, she used her hands to cradle him gently*
Mal: you really thought you were getting rid of me that easily?
Ben: I don't know what I thought
Mal: how long was I out?
Ben: honestly? I'm not sure, I lost track, not that long considering they were making it sound like you might not wake up period
Mal: fun times
Ben: you seriously need to stop doing this, I'm only 21 you know? I'm not supposed to be having a heart attack every few months
*they both chuckled a little at his joke until it became clear to him that she was rather tired and the same vice versa*
Ben: get some rest, we can talk more later
Mal: you need to as well
Ben: alright
Mal: could you do me one favour first?
Ben: of course, what is it?
Mal: get Doug to come be with Evie and have someone take her to one of the sore rooms to sleep for a while longer
Ben: okay, I've gotta tell the doctors you're awake as well
Mal: later I wanna talk about Bella, I want to know the truth
Ben: of course, now rest
Mal: fine
Ben: I love you
Mal: I love you too


Okay I literally spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out if I'd said Mal had already had her birthday and it was in October or if I said she was gonna have it and it was in November cuz I messed around with the dates at the beginning of the original book, idk if I mentioned the answer to that question recently or not so I'm gonna say it was earlier in October, I know I didn't specifically write a birthday scene but I think I just skipped over that, IF YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING MORE ATTENTION THAN ME AND IM WRONG THEN PLEASE TELL ME 😂😂 xoxo

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