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*that evening Mal had gone to get changed and ready for bed, while he was waiting for her, an already changed Ben was sat on the bed on his phone, he went to look at the news and found it flooded with reports about Mal*
Ben: babe you might want to see this
*she wandered out from the bathroom, pyjamas on, makeup off, hair in a messy bun and looking rather uninterested by whatever he was about to tell her*
Mal: I was about to wash my face and brush my teeth, what exactly couldn't wait for me to do those two things?
Ben: literally every new site in Auradon's main story has something to do with you
Mal: they know I'm pregnant?!
*mal started to panic until Ben shook his head*
Ben: no, they think you're sick, not pregnant but they think there's something wrong with you
Mal: but there isn't
Ben: god it all adds up
Mal: what?
Ben: well they don't know you're pregnant do they? All they know is you've suddenly become absentee, the castle has gone quiet under my orders, you're bro attending the celebrations tomorrow morning and yet you have attended pretty much everything since the day we got together, they do add up to there's something wrong, that you're ill
Mal: dear god why today did they have to come out with this?
Ben: you're newly crowned, anything they can use to have you in the headlines is exciting for them
Mal: great
Ben: what do you want to do?
*he watches her think it over for a moment before she once again makes eye contact with him*
Mal: I'll go with you tomorrow morning
Ben: are you really up for that?
Mal: yes
Ben: your mouth says yes but everything else about you says no
Mal: I'll be fine Ben
Ben: okay, but take it easy for me okay?
Mal: okay
Ben: now come here and let me hold you and take care of you for a while
Mal: okay
Ben: you got any other words for me?
Mal: I'm tired
Ben: good ones
*they both chuckle, she quickly does what she was about to do before she was interrupted and then walks back out, heads over to him, sits in his lap and snuggles in, he wraps his arms around her, gently pushed up her shirt so her bare stomach was on show and placed both his hands flat upon it*
Ben: you know, now I know you're pregnant I realise how obvious it should've been
Mal: I know right? I think I knew, I just didn't want to admit I was
Ben: but I don't know how I missed it, because looking at your stomach right now, you've definitely got a bump, it's not very big but it's clearly there
Mal: I'm gonna be fat aren't I?
Ben: you're gonna be beautiful, just like you are now
Mal: even when I'm huge and sick all the time and just hateful
Ben: even then, but morning sickness breaks eventually remember?
Mal: you've met right, I'm gonna be in that unfortunate percentage who it doesn't stop for
Ben: true, you probably will be
*me chuckles as she groans*
Ben: but I'll be here every morning with you
Mal: babe you can't be here all the time
Ben: for the next six months I'm here as close to all the time as I can manage
Mal: ugh, why can't you do this?
Ben: I swear you took biology your first year here
Mal: for like a month and a half, but I'm not stupid I just don't wanna
Ben: it's a little late now I think we're both quite attached
Mal: how is it I'm already so attached to them and they're still these two tiny little things in my uterus?
Ben: that's a mystery even the smartest people who have ever existed couldn't figure out if they had all the time in the world to try
Mal: I don't like it
Ben: it's a good thing you're already bonding
Mal: it'll break me Ben
Ben: let's try not to think about it, we do what we can and pray for it to work in our favour
Mal: yeah okay
Ben: what do you think it is? Boys, girls or one of each?
Mal: I feel like it probably should be boys, it's probably gonna be girls but I want one of each, what about you?
Ben: I'd rather not have two boys cuz I want a daughter so she can be a total daddy's girl and I can treat THE princess like my little princess so I want at lest one girl and I'm definitely not opposed to having two girls
*he realised that while he was talking she'd fallen asleep, all those weeks going around the kingdom had finally caught up with her*


I should stop being awake at 4am 😂😂 xoxo

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