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*Mal woke up early the next morning with Ben beside her, he hadn't been there when she'd gone to sleep so she was slightly confused*
Mal: Ben? When did you get back?
Ben: huh? Oh Bella was asleep so I came to sleep for a few hours before we decide what we're doing today
Mal: oh, okay, so how are we doing this?
Ben: how was he?
Mal: got me up three times but that's not too bad I suppose for the amount of time I've been asleep
Ben: that's good
Mal: what about Bels?
Ben: she wasn't sleeping very well, they think she might have colic so that'll be fun, she'll grow out of it but when isn't known
Mal: sounds like great fun
Ben: isn't it just
Mal: we're parents
Ben: yeah
Mal: does that sound as fucking crazy to you as it does me?
Ben: quite possibly more so, how are you feeling?
Mal: been better, been worse
Ben: that about Bella or you literally don't feel great?
Mal: bit of both, I want my daughter to be able to come home, but I also just don't feel right
Ben: how so?
Mal: I don't know what to say to explain it, I don't really I just feel off
Ben: you just had twins, it was a shockwave to your system, that's probably what it is
Mal: probably
Ben: but if you want to talk to the doctor about it then I can get her for you
Mal: no, it's fine, I'm okay
Ben: if you're sure
Mal: I am
Ben: so who do you want today, you feeling up to some time over with Bella or do you wanna stay here with Mason
Mal: I don't mind
Ben: how about I stay with Bella and when they're both napping this afternoon I'll bring you down to see her?
Mal: okay
Ben: you don't just have to agree with whatever I say you know?
Mal: I just wanna do whatever's easiest
Ben: okay
Mal: how long until you have to stop this and go back to work, you haven't been to see the council in days
Ben: I'm not going back until at least when Bella is home, properly
Mal: you sure?
Ben: yeah
Mal: but that's a few weeks away isn't it?
Ben: apparently according to the doctor she's doing really well, she'll still need to be watched very carefully and we have to keep a close eye on her but hopefully within the next week she'll be here instead of there
Mal: how'd that happen?
Ben: apparently if you've got fairy in you then you seem to be quite good at that
Mal: you think her magician the reason she's better?
Ben: probably
Mal: oh
Ben: that's not a bad thing, it's god she's coming home early
Mal: yeah
Ben: I should probably get back there before she wakes up
Mal: okay
Ben: I'll see you after lunch yeah?
Mal: yeah
Ben: I'm sorry we can't just be together and look after them together
Mal: soon
Ben: yeah
*just before Ben finishes getting dressed to leave Mason starts crying*
Ben: you want me to sort him out quickly before I go?
Mal: nah I got it
Ben: okay, bye then babe
Mal: bye
*Mal headed into the nursery once she's kissed Ben goodbye and found Mason crying his eyes out purely because he'd dropped his teddy out of his crib*
Mal: oh honey, it's okay, here you go sweetie
*she gives him the teddy and he takes it but then starts waving his arms out towards her*
Mal: oh you want cuddles do you? Well then little guy, I guess your wish is my command
*she takes him out of his crib and cradled him as she sits down in the rocking chair*
Mal: I'm sorry it's so lonely here at the moment, your sister's gonna come home really soon and your daddy is gonna spend as much time with you as possible when she's back and we'll all be together and it'll all be great
*Mal felt a tear forming in an eye and as it began to roll down her cheek she hurriedly wiped it away*
Mal: I love you Mason, my little baby boy


Hmm, so what's going on with Mal? What do you think is happening? Is there something specific or is it just in general and is she hiding something or does she really not know? Xoxo

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