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*after quite a while in there they were finally finished, he took her hand and led her out, they remained in silence until the got back to the room, the door was immediately locked and she whipped around to glare at him*
Mal: what the fuck do you think you were doing in there?!
Ben: me?! You're the one who basically admitted to us hiding something!
Mal: you promised me they wouldn't find out and then tried to spell it out for them!
Ben: M I always do that, it would've looked more weird if I didn't
Mal: you do not always have your hand flat out on my stomach running your thumb up and down it
Ben: maybe my hand was a little further over than usual but I didn't do it on purpose, it just happened, I can't help being excited about it
Mal: I just want it to be on our terms
Ben: I know you do, and it will be, I  promise, I'll hold off on the PDA until we tell everyone
Mal: I don't want you to stop, I just want to keep it behind closed doors, at least for now
Ben: are you seriously planning on telling everyone tomorrow?
Mal: I know it's your birthday and it would probably take away the spotlight from you, we don't have to if you don't want to
Ben: you think I'm worried about having the spotlight stolen?
Mal: I don't know
Ben: well I'm not
Mal: can we just agree on one thing?
Ben: whatever you want
Mal: keep it private, the details of this pregnancy stay behind closed doors, they stay with you, me and our loved ones
Ben: of course, I thought we already agreed that
Mal: but you know what I mean, nothing about twins, no gender talk, name suggestions stay silent, we don't spin this we just do it
Ben: agreed
Mal: thank you
Ben: I promise that as long as I can our family will be protected from the eyes of the kingdom Mal
Mal: I'm not asking you to hide us forever, I wouldn't mind if we were under these circumstance but...I don't want anyone to know if something goes wrong, I never want anyone to find out the truth about this unless we somehow get through this
Ben: then you want to admit it?
Mal: we'll cross that bridge if we get to it
Ben: okay, do I get to see what you're wearing tomorrow yet? I've waiting for weeks
Mal: nope, and tomorrow night, who says I'll be wearing anything?
Ben: oh damn, I love it when you talk dirty to me
Mal: I'm sure you do
Ben: why must you torture me?
Mal: because you got me double pregnant
Ben: I'm not sorry about that
Mal: I wouldn't want you to be
Ben: come on, let's do something fun
Mal: I have a few ideas
*the smirk on her face said it all*
Ben: well I'll go for that
*he gently pushed her back against the wall and started something they wouldn't finish for at least and hour to come*


But is everyone really so in the dark that there's something going on behind closed doors? Xoxo

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