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*the doctor decided it would actually be better to get the blood work done while she was there because she wasn't quite sure Mal would fine herself able to get all the way back there that afternoon, she had suddenly become even more quiet, the doctor hurried along, getting everything done as quickly as she could, eventually she was finished Mal was sent on her way, she wanted to be anywhere but where Ben could find her, she couldn't tell him that, he'd probably hate her, she decided to take shelter in her old room which she hadn't stepped foot in for three months, three months.....the three months that changed everything, she curled up against the wall, ultrasound picture in hand, she just stared at it as she began to cry, she must've been sat there for almost an hour when Ben walked in having heard the crying*
Ben: Mal dear god I've been so worried about you, where were you?
*Mal couldn't speak, she just couldn't make words come out, she couldn't even manage eye contact, something Ben had noted in alarm*
Ben: Mal what's going on?
*he got no reply*
Ben: Mal?!
*she couldn't speak but she handed him the picture as he sat down beside her, his breath caught as he realised what she was trying to to tell him*
Ben: are you serious?
*she nodded, tears in her eyes, still no eye contact though*
Ben: so you're pregnant?
*she nodded again as a few tears fell, he lifted up her chin, forcing eye contact*
Ben: that's amazing
Mal: w....what?
Ben: that's amazing
Mal: r....really?
Ben: really, this is fantastic
Mal: I thought you'd hate me
Ben: why would you think that?
Mal: because we're so young, and you're so busy and you like where we're at now and this changes everything
Ben: yeah, for the better
Mal: how?
Ben: Mal, we're gonna have little baby, a little mix of you and me in the cutest little bundle of joy
Mal: two
Ben: what?
*Mal takes the ultrasound picture from him and points out the two little figures that were starting to resemble human beings, a thing which Mal found quite unsettling*
Ben: it's twins?
Mal: yeah
*ben stands up and pulls up carefully, being careful of her belly he picks her up and spins her round causing her to giggle and smile at what he was doing, when he finally put her down she was slightly dizzy*
Mal: 12 weeks
Ben: our wedding?
Mal: the first time we did it and you get me double pregnant, seriously Ben?
Ben: whoops
Mal: I'm gonna lose the people with this
Ben: how could you possibly believe that? If anything they'll like you more, the kingdom will have two heirs
Mal: it's too early, this is all wrong, something's going to go wrong, it'll all end up going wrong, I....I can't do this, I just can't
*and with that Mal runs out of the room, dropping the picture as she does, Ben is left in confusion, one second she seemed fine and then the next, out of control, this would be one hell of a ride if this was just the beginning*


Now I'm really feeling the inspired because there's this super important scene, at least in my mind that I've had planned for ages and we're finally getting close to it so yay! A little way to go yet though, but when it gets here prepare yourselves xoxo

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