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*the next morning Mal woke up later than usual, she got herself dressed and presentable, she had had a lot of time to think and over night had calmed down, she was still mad at him and still hurt but she knew she had let her temper get the better of her, she wasn't quite ready to just forgive him but she wasn't going to leave the castle, but just as she was about to go there was knocking at her door, she opened it and nearly shut it again when she saw who it was*
Mal: Ben don't
Ben: come with me
Mal: Ben no
Ben: just come wth me
*she sighed before leaving her room and beginning to follow him, he lead her through the corridors, they were heading for the other side of the castle, through corridors Mal had never even seen, but it was a big castle on with the baby weight weighing her down and other factors she was growing tired, she stopped and Ben turned to face her*
Mal: Ben I get it, whatever you're trying to prove, I know I shouldn't have said what I said, I know I was too harsh, I don't hate you, but can we just stop this now? My legs hurt, I'm tired and I have and two baby's pushing in my bladder the more I walk, in sorry, can we please just stop this now, I just want to go back and sit down
Ben: it's not much further can you please just trust me?
*she nodded unsurely snd then got back up, starting to follow him again*
Mal: where are we even going?
*he gave no reply and simply kept walking, they finally came to a corridor which seemed to be a dead end but them Mal saw the huge doors and realised this had been where they were heading, but what was the point of this?*
Ben: close your eyes
Mal: what? Why?
Ben: just trust me
Mal: says the man who's literally crushed my trust into tiny little pieces
Ben: please just do it
Mal: ugh fine
*she begrudgingly closed her eyes as Ben had the detail open the grand doors, he led her in carefully, making sure her eyes were still closed*
Mal: I hate surprises
*ben didn't reply but the doors closed and once they were far enough in he let go of her*
Ben: open your eyes
*Mal opened her eyes and found herself in belles library, otherwise known as the largest in existence, it was beautiful but Mal was still confused*
Mal: okay I don't get it, why are we here?
Ben: this is where most of the best moments of my childhood happened, this was one of the places where me and my parents truly felt like a family, my dad would find us in here and say that we should go outside and they'd be normal, this is where my parents commitment and attention was undividedly mine, this is my promise to you
Mal: what?
Ben: you deserved better, our twins deserved better, I've neglected you and I'm so sorry, this is my way of making you a promise, from now on it doesn't matter when it is, it doesn't matter what you want or you need or whatever, no matter how trivial, call me and I'll be there, you are my priority, our family is my priority, I promise from now on that will never be in question, you should've always come first, I'm so so sorry I lost sight of that, this is the place where my parents and I were just a normal family, I wanted to show you this because I want us to be able to just be a normal family sometimes too
Mal: Ben it's okay, I get it, you're busy, I was expecting too much, I'll be fine
Ben: no, they're my kids too and I will be there for you every step of the way from now on I swear it to you
Mal: okay
Ben: great!
Mal: I'm tired
Ben: yeah, okay let's sit down
*he leads her over to a little settee and they sit down together*
Mal: there's so many books here
Ben: well it was my mom's collection and she's read most of the books in existence so
Mal: I want us to read bed time stories to them and tuck them in and that stuff together
Ben: then we will, you tell me what you want to do, where you need me and when and I'll be there, that's my promise to you
Mal: please don't make a promise you can't be sure you'll keep
Ben: I will keep this
Mal: I wish I could believe that
*ben turns and looks at the books on the shelf nearest them and notices one that catches his eye, he gets up, gets it and sits back down with marks eyes on him, the whole time her eyes glued to him*
Ben: this was my favourite book as a kid
Mal: read some?
Ben: sure
*Mal carefully flicked her legs over his lap, made sure there were enough pillows behind her in the right position before lying back against them and shutting her eyes gently, Ben begins to read to her and soon realises she's out like a light, he carefully moves her legs so he can get up then puts he book away before carefully picking her up bridal style to take her back to their room*


Sorry guys, I meant to post this yesterday but it was my first day back at school and other stuff happening as well I got distracted but yeah, here you go xoxo

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