Off my chest

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*Once at Maurice's cottage they all sat down together, Mal snuggled up on Ben's lap*
Maurice: congratulations Mal
Mal: w....what?
Maurice: your pregnancy
Mal: w...what?, how did you you know about that?!
*she turned to Ben angrily*
Ben: calm down, I didn't tell him babe
Maurice: I can see it in you, you've got the glow
Mal: o...oh
Ben: how you feeling?
Mal: better but tired
Ben: take a nap then
Mal: I wanna stay with you
Ben: and you can, I'm right here, we're not going anywhere until you're ready to, we have ages before Evie wants you back at the castle to get ready
Mal: are you sure?
Ben: sleep now sweetheart
*she nods as she leans into him more, resting her whole body against him, as soon as he was sure she was asleep he began talking once again*
Ben: she's terrified
Maurice: one lot of pain for a lifetime of happiness
Ben: its more than that gramps
Maurice: what do you mean?
Ben: she's carrying twins
Maurice: well that's amazing
Ben: no, I wish it was, I thought it was, apparently there's something about the magic of a fairy that creates a problem, I got so confused when she explained it but the basics are that it's unlikely both twins will survive
*he tried not to let his pain at the thought of that happening show but his grandfather could see it without much effort*
Maurice: that must be terrible
Ben: I hate what it's doing to her, we've got to survive 6 whole months and every day it's destroying her that little bit more, I can't stop this, there's nothing I can do, her own body, her own powers, might be the reason she loses our child and there's nothing I can do to help
Maurice: do you blame her? Will you blame her if it happens, if only one makes it?
Ben: of course not, not for a second would I ever think it was her fault
Maurice: would you resent her for it?
Ben: no, never, but I do worry it would change us
Maurice: it would, but you two could survive it
Ben: I think I could just about, but I think it would destroy her and I can't let that happen
Maurice: well lets all just hope for the best shall we?
Ben: I just hope that's enough
Maurice: just be excited about what you do have at try not to worry too much unless you find cause to worry
Ben: I'm trying
Maurice: I'm proud of you Ben
Ben: thanks gramps
Maurice: I cannot believe you're 21
Ben: I know right? That's just crazy, I have not been king for 5 years surely
Maurice: you have and it's been the most peaceful and prosperous 5 years the kingdom has ever had the pleasure to live under
Ben: it's all thanks to her, I couldn't do any of it without her by my side
Maurice: you're very lucky
Ben: was it like that between you and gran? No one ever talks about her
Maurice: your grandmother, she was quite a woman, your mother had to get her beauty from somewhere and her intelligence too
Ben: your smart gramps
Maurice: maybe, but nothing like her, she was a fabulous woman, an amazing mother too, she'd be so proud of you and she'd love you both to pieces
Ben: I hope she would
Maurice: she's gonna be a great mother too you know? You can just tell, the way she was with those kids earlier, you've done well Ben
Ben: trust me, I know


I'm back and I think I officially have a writing schedule (that will probably last for of a week at most but ya know) 😂😂 xoxo

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