You don't have to

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*they stayed curled up for a few hours until Ben's phone goes off, waking up an almost asleep Mal*
Ben: sorry babe
*he gets up and answers the call*
Ben: yeah okay, yeah, I'll be there, yep, uh huh, um I don't know about that, I don't think that's a good idea, we don't need her there, she tired, alright we'll see by I'm not making promises, bye
*he hangs up and turns back to Mal who's looking at him in complete confusion*
Mal: what was that about?
Ben: some press stuff about my birthday and about the ball tomorrow
Mal: I think you're skipping the detail I'm looking for
Ben: they wanted you there too but I don't see why they need you, you're tired, you're overworked and if you're insisting on going tomorrow night then I want you resting as much as possible now
Mal: I want to go, it's my duty to be there and stand by your side and nod along with what you say, my role is to do that, I knew that when I married you, maybe when I'm out to like here I'll be more inclined to stay here and rest but for now you're not just leaving me behind in our room like an invalid
Ben: this could take hours, I'm also thinking of what happens if you start feeling sick, if the queen just suddenly runs out of the room to be sick they'll know something's wrong
Mal: maybe that's not such a bad thing
Ben: what? You want to tell them?
Mal: god, maybe, I don't know
Ben: you know I support whatever decision you make
Mal: you're the one in charge, you're supposed to know what to do, you're supposed to tell me what to do!
*she was stressing herself out again, he knew she was just all over the place today because of everything that had gone on but hat wasn't good for the twins, especially under her circumstances*
Ben: Mal, I am never going to tell you what to do with this, this pregnancy, you're in charge, I'm the support, I do whatever you need me to do and I will be whatever you need me to be but I cannot and will not tell you if you're ready to tell the world you're pregnant
Mal: ugh why is this so hard?!
Ben: oh baby I don't know, it's just new to us, we'll find our footing soon I promise, for now we're just gonna have to stumble through as best we can, you're doing great sweetheart I promise you
Mal: why can't you just tell me what to do? Just this one time
Ben: it's your body, it's your mind, you have to know if you're ready or not, , I'm here for you baby, always, but I can't I make your decision for you
Mal: the one time the king can't do his damned job and make a decision is the one time I actually need him to
Ben: okay Mal, you sure you want to come with me?
Mal: yeah, I want to stay with you, I don't want to be alone right now
Ben: you should've just said that baby
Mal: I just feel so powerless, I'm scared of myself, more than I already was, I feel safer with you there, but I guess I feel like I sound weak when I say that
Ben: needing me isn't weak, needing me and keeping quiet about it because you're afraid of asking for help is what is, you're not weak for needing me baby, I need you more than anything else, I'm always here with you, fall back on me if you need to, I'm here to catch you
Mal: I might be a little too heavy for you to catch soon
*they both chuckle a little at that joke*
Ben: you weigh like nothing at all so you add some extra and I'll be good babe
*they chuckled again*
Mal: let me just sort myself out and we'll go yeah?
Ben: sure baby, take your time, don't rush yourself, they can wait
Mal: I'll be quick, just give me like five minutes
Ben: so about 15 then?
*he smirks as Mal shoves him jokingly*
Mal: shut up


Finished this like an hour ago and forgot to post it lol, more later xoxo

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