Happy Birthday

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*Mal had been right and soon it was time to make a toast to her husband of 3 months, she stepped nervously up the steps and onto the stage, she stood in front of the mic, took a deep breath and then began*
Mal: I've been trying to figure out what to say here for like a month and however hard I try I can't think of the right words, Ben...well he's just...amazing, he's the best guy I've ever met, he always works so hard for everyone, he gives his all in everything he does and he is such a sweet and caring guy, I honestly don't think I could've found a better man, I married a perfect gentleman who looks after me so well, I don't deserve him, I don't know that any of us deserve the amazing king he's shaping up to be, it's an immense honour to be able to stand beside him he does all these brilliant things, Ben, I love you with all of my heart and I am the luckiest girl alive to have been the one you chose, I fall even deeper in love with you every single day, thank you for everything
*Ben joins her on stage and quickly wraps his arms around her*
Ben: you did amazing babe
Mal: thanks
Ben: I'm so proud of you
*they finally break away and she snuggles into his side*
Mal: you're gonna do the talking right?
Ben: of course, you just stand there and look amazing like always
Mal: I won't look amazing when I'm huge in a few months
Ben: I think you're gonna suit pregnancy
Mal: here's hoping now can we get on with this before I just casually have a panic attack
Ben: take a deep breath and calm down babe okay?
Mal: okay
Ben: I've got you, now let's do this
*he intertwined their fingers and pulled her tightly to her, protectively, now it was his turn to step forward, with her by his side he prepared himself, trying not to let his nerves rise too much, it was fine, they'd be fine, surely...*
Ben: tonight we also have some news to share with you all, we are proud to announce that Mal is pregnant, the kingdom will soon have an heir
*everyone gasped, visibly shocked but then they all begin to applaud leaving both Mal and Ben sighing with relief*
Ben: see that wasn't so bad
Mal: they're all staring at my stomach now and the press are taking pictures
Ben: well then let's give them something to look at
*he got down in one knee, put a hand on either side of her small bump and kissed it, she went bright red the second he did*
Mal: Ben!
*he stood back up, wrapped his arms around her waist and locked eyes with her*
Ben: yes?
Mal: god you're so cringy
Ben: you love it
Mal: maybe, but you're so super embarrassing, you're gonna be that dad and our kids are gonna complain that you're so cringy
Ben: thanks babe
Mal: those always seem to be the best dad's though
Ben: I'll take that as a compliment
Mal: it was one, you're gonna be the best dad
Ben: I hope so, you're gonna be an amazing mom
Mal: probably not, but I'm gonna try my best
Ben: well I have faith in you
*they quickly became aware of the press now shouting questions at them about the pregnancy, when, how far along, planned or not, girl or boy, due date, pretty much just everything they could think of and it was making meals head spin, he could see it on her face so he quickly responded*
Ben: of course we know there are questions and we are aware that because of who we are people are gonna want to know things but we're young, first time parents, we want to experience this in our own space, so we ask that you please respect our privacy as we find our way in this new experience
*people seemed to take that request quite well, hey seemed to tame the whole thing well and that gave both Ben and Mal some confidence for the future, for now they were making a good start*


So now everyone knows, but did they really take it as well as they seem? And will they really just give them their space? We'll have to wait and see xoxo

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