Good morning

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*the next morning he awoke to her walking back into the room, still in her pyjamas*
Ben: it's like half six in the morning, why on earth are you up baby?
Mal: sorry I didn't mean to wake you up, but happy birthday!
Ben: thank you babe but seriously why are you up so early?
Mal: I got so used to sneaking out that I just woke up this early so I went for a walk, I was gonna make you some breakfast but I figured people would ask questions if the queen suddenly wandered into the kitchen at 6:30 am and then if I ended up there too long and suddenly had to disappear plus there's no bathrooms nearby
Ben: wow okay, nice walk?
Mal: yeah
Ben: where did you go, before?
Mal: wherever I could find, that's why I got up a half hour before hand, so I could make sure to find somewhere
Ben: oh
Mal: when we were in Charmington Chad caught me
Ben: what?
Mal: it was a bad day, it was starting to get more frequent, I was getting panicked, the sickness came early and I couldn't get where I was trying to be, Chad was on a morning jog to blow off some steam, he ran into me, I was a mess, he asked me what was wrong but I couldn't speak, we were right outside his room so he took me in there and the second I was in his bathroom I was so sick it was unbelievable, he even held my hair back for me, he's really changed, he sat with me when I finally stopped throwing up, asked me what was going on, I covered it up as best I could but I think he suspected something, I begged him to keep it to himself and I guess he did
Ben: Chad did all that?
Mal: yeah, he looked after me Ben, I felt so bad I was in tears, I was afraid of whatever was happening, he let me cry into his shoulder for at least ten minutes
*listening to this hurt him, hearing about how upset this had been making her*
Ben: you could've come to me
Mal: I know that now, I'm sorry I didn't, but I have now
Ben: when are you know..?
Mal: give it five minutes either way if 7am
Ben: wow
Mal: uh huh
Ben: I'm here for you baby, you know that right?
Mal: yeah I know
Ben: you don't have to go this morning
Mal: I want to, as long as it's not too bad today then I'll be fine
Ben: okay babe
Mal: anyways I've only been bad a couple of times and I'm getting used to it now
Ben: I wish I'd have been there for you
Mal: it was my fault for not telling you
Ben: what does my baby and our babies want for breakfast?
Mal: you to not talk about food until after I've been sick
Ben: oh yeah of course, I'm so sorry
Mal: uh huh
Ben: you good?
*she just sits there in silence for a second, without moving and then the sick feeling hits her and she's in the bathroom as fast as she could, she was already being sick into the toilet by the time he got there, he quickly knelt down beside her, made sure all her hair was out of her face and rubbed her back gently, it took a while but she eventually finished being sick, he was already in his feet with her tooth brush and toothpaste in front of her, she took them from him and then his help to get up before brushing her teeth and leaning against the wall behind her*
Ben: you okay?
*she nodded but her face said otherwise, he stepped towards her and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around him and snuggled her head into the crook of his neck, he took her t the bed and sat down with her still attached to him*
Ben: don't come this morning
Mal: I have to
Ben: no you don't
Mal: I want to
Ben: that's not true either
Mal: I do want to, please? Look we're gonna tell them tonight and then they won't question what's happening if I'm absent again
Ben: alright but I'm making sure you're mornings are clear for the next 6 months because I'm not having you worked to the edge again
Mal: okay
Ben: you didn't even fight me on it, god you are tired aren't you
Mal: shut up
Ben: okay
Mal: I might just take a nap for a while
Ben: on me?
Mal: yep
Ben: okay
*she snuggled back into him and he held her in his arms as she drifted off to sleep*


Hmm chads playing nice? You trust it? Yes or no? I'm curious xoxo

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