Disappearing act

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*ben stood with Mason sleeping against his chest as he watched Mal nervously step up towards the other where Bella was slowly waking up, he saw the nervous smile spread across his wife's face as her eyes met their daughters*
Mal: hi baby, we're gonna take you home now
*Ben smiled as she went to fuss over their daughter but his smile soon turned to a frown when Bella began to cry, she was a young child who was unused to her mother, having barely seen her in her short life, Bella became nervous, it was someone unfamiliar to her and as a young infant she was frightened, it hurt him to watch her smile visibly fall and see in her eyes as her heart sank and the light left them, she stepped back sadly, for a moment Ben thought she was about to stop until she instead sped up and ran out of the room and as far away from there as she could get herself, he was worried about her, knowing she was still weak but he knew where he had to remain*
Ben: shhh, sweetheart, it's okay, it was your mommy, shhh
*ben feels mason begin to squirm against his chest, hearing the cries of his sister, Ben carefully lets Mason rest in the crib beside his sister, it warmed his heart to see how quickly she calmed down and even more so when they held hands, just then a nurse walks in but Ben doesn't turn as he's still too consumed by watching his twins enjoy snuggling together*
Nurse: everything's ready for you guys to g....oh sorry I thought both of you were here
*ben now turns around and forces himself to smile politely at the nurse who looks slightly confused*
Ben: we were
Nurse: oh
Ben: so I can take her now?
Nurse: yes, but keep a close eye on her for the time being and we'll want to see her again in a few days to see how she's doing
Ben: thank you
*the nurse leaves and Ben turns back to his twins, both of whom stare back up at him, Bella's eyes mirroring his own, even down to the little twinkle that Mal often found herself lost in, while Mason's bright green ones lead Ben's mind back to his wife who'd run off quite a while ago now, he knew he had to go find her as soon as possible so with a sigh he scooped up both twins making sure he securely had hold of both before heading off as fast as could and hoping she else's in the living quarters of the castle but to no avail, she was nowhere to be found*
Ben: Mal? Mal!
*but no matter how much he called her name she did not answer, after searching everywhere in their living quarters he picked up his phone and called her, watching the twins carefully as they both led on his and Mal's bed, for some reason he couldn't go into the nursery with Bella, he felt like it would be betraying Mal to do so, it was something they had to do together, taking her in there for the first time, putting her down in her cot for the first time, watching her fall asleep in her own crib for the first time, they had to do it together, that was what was running through his mind as he rang her phone numerous more times before reality hit him and he realised he could hear vibrating coming from her nightstand, she'd left her phone on the bedside table so trying to call her was useless, he soon became desperate, completely clueless about where she could be and he couldn't just run off to find her with two newborns relying on him, he called Evie but she had no idea where Mal was, he'd tried everything when suddenly his phone began to ring in his hand, he jumped, startled by its suddenness, he looked, hoping to see it was Evie saying Mal had shown up but when he saw the caller is he was confused, he did however pick it up anyway, he couldn't deny this call*
Ben: grandpa?
Maurice: Ben! Good! You answered!
Ben: grandpa I'm sorry but this is a really bad time, Ma.....
Maurice: yeah I know, Mal's not there, she's here, I saw her trying to run off somewhere but she was crying her eyes out so I caught her and made her come back to my house with me, she's not in a good way Ben, she needs you
Ben: what do you mean 'not in a good way'?
Maurice: it's hard to explain, there's a variety of things, just please come here now
Ben: alright, I'm on my way, please just take care of her until I get there
Maurice: of course
*ben hangs up the phone and tries not to panic, what on earth did he mean? Would he even want to find out?*


DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNN, not really a dun dun dun moment but yanno I just felt like it so yanno, do you think it was a bit ottfor her to just run off like that or do you think she was justified? I obviously get why she did it because it's all in my head but yanno 😂😂 xoxo

Bal: two different worldsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ