Another appointment

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*two weeks later Mal has another appointment that morning, she gets herself ready and goes into Ben's study, expecting to find him packing up but instead finding him in the midst of a load of paperwork*
Mal: you nearly ready?
Ben: what do you mean?
Mal: Ben we've got a doctors appointment in 20 minutes
Ben: shit, I totally forgot that was today
Mal: so you're not ready?
Ben: I'm so sorry babe, I have to get this done by the end of the day and I've got loads left to do
Mal: so you're not coming?
Ben: wait, let me just finish this bit super quickly and I will be ready to go
Mal: don't worry, I'll go by myself, it's fine
Ben: no, you shouldn't have to go alone, it's my fault for being an idiot and mixing up the dates
Mal: it's okay, it's just a scan and a couple of blood tests, I can manage by myself
Ben: but I wanna see the scan and I wanna be there for you, I know you hate the blood tests, I wanna be able to hold your hand and distract you from what's going on
Mal: Ben I can handle it, you need to work, it's just one appointment, I can handle the blood tests I promise and I'll bring you the pictures as soon as I come back
Ben: are you sure?
Mal: yeah
Ben: I'm so sorry
Mal: it's okay
*she walks around to the other side of his desk, bends over and kisses him, she goes to leave but he pulls her back to him, he smiles and kisses her bump gently*
Ben: you're getting pretty big
Mal: gee thanks
Ben: it's a good thing, you're cute pregnant
Mal: I actually seriously despise this though
Ben: I bet you do, but it's all gonna be worth it
Mal: I've gotta go otherwise I'll be late
Ben: okay, I'll be waiting for those pictures
Mal: good, I'm glad to hear it
*she gives him one last quick kiss and then he lets her go, she smiles and then heads to see the doctor, when she finally gets there she is quickly ushered into the doctors office to await her arrival, when the doctor finally arrives she sees Mal alone and a confused look spreads across her face*
Doctor: no Ben today?
Mal: he got the dates mixed up and he had to get some work done so I told him I'd be alright by myself
Doctor: alright let's get the ultrasound done first
*Mal lays back and pulls up her shirt, the doctor puts the gel on and Mal tries not to react to how cold it is,the doctor begins to move the monitor around until she gets it in the right place*
Mal: wow, there they are
*she looks to the doctor for whatever she's about to say but instead the doctor remains quiet*
Mal: there's something wrong isn't there? You're not saying anything so something's wrong
Doctor: nothing's wrong, they've both formed well but they remain significantly smaller than we'd like
Mal: that's not it is it?
Doctor: I am worried
Mal: am I going to miscarry?
Doctor: I can't answer that but I want to start seeing you every week, make sure we can keep an eye on everything, we're gonna do our best for you, I promise, we're also gonna run some extra tests over the next few weeks so that we know as much about what's going on as we can
Mal: o...okay
*once they'd finished the blood tests and everything else she went back to Ben's study to see him, she knocks on the door and when he tells her to come in she does rather slowly and nervously*
Ben: there she is, how're my favourite three people doing?
Mal: uh
Ben: well I guess you could just show me
*his excitement jolted her to remember she'd forgotten to get the picture from the doctor*
Mal: damnit!
Ben: what?
Mal: I forgot to get the picture!
Ben: oh
Mal: I'm so sorry, she just kept telling me all these things and I got so confused and I just forgot
Ben: it's okay babe it was just an accident
Mal: she wants to see us every week and run some more tests, as in the ones they don't usually run unless they have to
Ben: it's probably just a precaution sweetie
Mal: I don't know Ben it didn't sound very precautionary when she said and I quote "I am worried"
Ben: it's okay babe
Mal: I asked her if I was going to miscarry and she hesitated before saying she couldn't answer that, Ben she doesn't think this is going to work then how on earth am I supposed to believe that it's all gonna be okay?
Ben: Mal look, I don't know that it's all gonna be okay, but what I do know is that whatever happens we'll deal with it, together, you're not alone,please remember that I'm with you, every step of the way
Mal: I'm trying but it's really hard
Ben: I know, I'm so sorry that it's all like this
Mal: if something happens will you be mad at me?
Ben: never, whatever happens it's not your fault
Mal: how can you be so good about this?
Ben: because you deserve the best
Mal: I don't know what I've done to deserve you
Ben: you were you
Mal: 6 months they've been in there, what if they can't make it through 3 minute months?
Ben: we'll cross that bridge when we come to it IF we come to it
Mal: okay
Ben: why don't you go take a walk and get some fresh air, it'll be good for you
Mal: do I have to take my pair of guard dogs?
*he smirks at her clear dislike at the detail he'd had put on her*
Ben: be nice, they're only trying to make sure you're safe
Mal: what exactly is gonna happen to me in the palace gardens?
Ben: nothing if they're watching you
Mal: we hope
Ben: go on, and try to play nice with them it's not their fault I make them follow you around
Mal: oh yeah, we need to have a chat about how closely they have to guard me later because when I go to the lady's room there's a difference between making sure I'm okay and just getting on my freaking nerves
Ben: haha okay, we'll talk later, I'll try not to be too late tonight
Mal: okay, bye
Ben: bye babe


And now I will probably do the timeskip so yeah, hope you liked this longer chapter xoxo

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