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*the day dawned but Mal had dawned earlier, if that even made sense, she was up and raring to go long before the sun she even began to shine upon Auradon city that morning, Ben had also been awake very early, but knew Mal would be exhausted by lunch if she got up now so pretended to be asleep in the hope they would both just go back to bed, they were supposed to go get her at ten o'clock and it was only five now, he'd only come back to bed at half three as Bella hadn't been sleeping well and that night was yet again another example, Mal finally stopped rolling over and Ben made the mistake of believing she was actually asleep, he rolled over and wrapped his arms around her which immediately set her off*
Mal: what time do we go over there again?
*ben sighed inwardly and hoped if he pretended to be asleep she'd fall for it, unfortunately for him, she did not*
Mal: I know you're awake you know?
Ben: if I pretend I'm not for long enough will you just go back to sleep?
Mal: it's unlikely
*ben friend and kissed her neck, hoping to persuade her back into sleeping*
Mal: Bennnnn
Ben: Malllllll
Mal: I just want her back, why do I have to wait for that?
Ben: because they have to make sure she's okay and ready to come back, we don't want to bring her back before she's ready, it's better that we have to wait and that she's healthy than we bring her back before she's ready and we risk her health
Mal: I just don't want to miss her like this, she's our daughter, she's ten days old and I've barely seen her in that time, I've barely even managed to do anything for Mason and he's been here with me, you've went inning back and forth, you've done what a father should do, you can feel like a father, I don't feel like a mother yet, only one of my kids is with me and I haven't been well enough to do anything with him
Ben: I'm sorry, but you'll get your chance soon, you've just gotta wait a little bit longer, try and sleep, you're supposed to be resting
Mal: after everything we went through, I won't be able to rest until we're all safely here and she's safe and sound in my arms
*right then a cry comes from the nursery and they both sigh, looking at each other, trying to silently make the decision as to who was going to go see what Mason wanted*
Mal: I'll get it
Ben: I've got him it's fine
Mal: shall we go together? I want us to be a team on this
Ben: we are a team, always
Mal: promise?
Ben: I'm always with you, you and I can do anything together
Mal: well not ANYTHING
Ben: don't be so pedantic
Mal: come on
Ben: then we are going back to bed until we can bring her back
Mal: fine
*they went into the nursery and Ben was soon scooping up their son from his crib before laying him against his chest and bouncing him to try and get him back to sleep, he watched Mal carefully as she was completely unable to keep her eyes open for long, he wrapped his arm around her and let her rest her head against his chest*
Ben: babe go back to bed
Mal: I...don't....
*Mal yawns rather largely before smuggling more deeply into his chest*
Ben: you're exhausted
Mal: but so are you
Ben: less so than you
Mal: I feel so awful
Ben: why?
Mal: because I keep putting it all on you, all I've done for days is sit in bed while you've been working yourself like crazy, I should be able to cope, you need to be able to work, you're the king, you have to rule the kingdom, lead the council all that stuff and you haven't been able to in like two weeks because I can't do the one job I'm supposed to have, I'm supposed to be sufficient so you don't need to worry
Ben: I'm the king, it's true, but I'm also a husband and a father and I'm not putting one role above the other two, I know I have in the past but never again
Mal: I think he's asleep
Ben: I think you should be too
Mal: not without you
Ben: fine, I'll be in once he's down
Mal: okay, hurry up
Ben; I'll try


THIS IS LAME AND I AM SORRY, it's building up to something good but yeah, also sorry for not updating in over a week I've been REALLY busy but I'm working on it I promise! I'm three weeks away from summer so I'll be free to spend more time on this soon so please be patient with me xoxo

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