Don't make me

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*about 6 hours later Mal was still trying to deal with the fact she was in agony and no one knew why she was in such pain, one thing that had become very clear however was that she was very close which was very good because the situation was deteriorating with every second passing, both Mal's and the Twins' conditions were heading downhill fast*
Mal: Ben I can't do this!
Ben: Mal baby you can, come on
Mal: I have nothing left in me
Ben: come on you're so close now
Ben: breathe baby
*the doctor rushes in and very quickly after is ushering in all the other people on the army of doctors and nurses*
Doctor: it's time Mal
Mal: no! I just can't do it! I'm sorry but I just can't!
Ben: baby I don't think you have much of a choice
Mal: please don't make MEEE!
*she cried out as the next contraction came on and she had to try and breathe through the pain yet again*
Ben: come on baby, I'm here, you can do this, you're so close to the end of this now, just a little bit longer
Mal: I just can't Ben!
Ben: come on honey, the sooner you do this the sooner it's over and the better chance our little ones have at being perfectly healthy okay? And that's what we want isn't it?
*Mal nods while squeezing her eyes shut, clearly in unmeasurable pain*
Doctor: okay Mal, when you feel the next contraction you've gotta push okay?
Mal: okay
*he watched her face and the fear in her eyes was horrible for him, she was terrified of what was about to happen, the thought of losing a child might just eat her apart, it might just do the same ho him*
Ben: you've got this
*she looked him in the eyes, searching for the reassurance she needed, he squeezed her hand and kissed her on her forehead, as she felt the next contraction come on tears were in her eyes she cried out in pain and anguish as she began pushing*
Doctor: that's it Mal
Ben: come on baby you're doing great
*almost 20 minutes later she was still going, she was however starting to get extremely exhausted*
Mal: I can't do this anymore!
Doctor: we've got a head!
Ben: baby listen to that, you're almost there, you can do this
Ben: please Mal, just keep trying
*Mal nods as she trues to avoid more tears running down her already tear stained cheeks, she cried out yet again as she kept pushing, just over 5 minutes later, she could finally catch her breath*
Doctor: well done Mal, you two have a son
*the cord was quickly cut as low cries began to fill the room, Mal immediately became worried that the cries were quite subdued*
Mal: why is he so quiet?
*he noticed her breathing getting faster and he quickly noticed what she meant, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest*
Doctor: he's okay, we're just gonna check on him to be safe but he seems to me to be in good health
*Mal quickly calmed down as Ben sighed with relief*
Ben: I'm so proud of you
Mal: don't say that just yet
Ben: no matter what happens next Mal, you just gave time that baby boy, nothing can take that away from me
Mal: famous last words
Doctor: Mal, you don't have long so try and regain as much of your energy as possible
Mal: oh god, someone please save me


BABY BOY! Mal and Ben's first born us their son, but will they be so lucky with the second? Will their daughter survive? And if not will they survive the loss? Xoxo

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