Catch her if you can

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*continuing on from the last chapter*
Ben: Mal! Mal!
*he chased after her down the hallway but then she disappeared*
Ben: sometimes I hate that my wife is a damned fairy
*he takes a deep breath so as to not lose his temper, he wasn't mad at her, he was mad at himself, he should've seen her freaking out coming and apprehended it but he didn't, he was the only one who truly knew the ins and outs anymore, at this point there were things even Evie didn't know, he had every place where she might've gone running through his mind but then it hit him*
Ben: if she's not there then I'm actually screwed, I'm seriously gonna need to get someone to tail her at this rate
*ben ran out to the royal garage where his bike laid untouched in almost two years, it wasn't exactly the kingly thing to do but he had to go alone, without all the people it involved to transport the king around, he jumped on, grabbed his helmet and headed straight for the place he hoped he'd find her, after about ten minutes he arrived and walked down toward the ruins where they'd had their first date, to this day that was her safe haven in auradon, low and behold he found her, huddled up in a ball crying her eyes out, he walked over and sat down beside her*
Ben: hey
*mal doesn't look up or even acknowledge him*
Ben: Mal talk to me
*she still doesn't look at him or speak, he sighs inverter and then puts his arm around her, he pulls her closer and she snuggles into him as she sniffs and tries to wipe her eyes*
Ben: Mal its fine, its all fine okay? No ones going to hate you, no ones going to be mad, nothing bad happened okay? There's nothing bad about this, no one will hate you because there's nothing to hate, the fact that there's a little baby in you is amazing, and then there being two? That's even better, I want to be a dad, I want to be a parent with you and now I get that, so why would I be mad? Why would anyone be? You're the queen, you're supposed to give the kingdom at least one heir, you hitting a double in one go
*she chuckled at that slightly weird analogy making him smile, he pulls her very carefully into his lap, her smile faded as she remembered all the reasons why she thought it would all go wrong*
Mal: there's just so many things that could happen though, and ruin everything, what if third is a terrible idea, is trying to do this now? You're the king, still in the early years of your reign, you're so busy, what if you don't have enough time, I want to be a team on this, I'm scared you won't have time for us, your work will be more important than us
Ben: nothing could ever be more important than you and our little ones, I will be there Mal, every step of the way
Mal: I want to believe that but I just can't, what if you don't have a choice, I'm asking too much of the king and I know that you can't promise me that because that's impossible but I can't help it, maybe it's just the hormones talking but I just....
Ben: I swore to you I'd always be there, I said my vows and meant them, I'm here for you, through everything, until the day I die, no matter what happens, I'm your safe place, I will always be here, you are my priority, no matter what, okay?
*she just nods*
Ben: tell me, explain everything that your worried about, I want to sort all of this out, it will not eat away at you, I won't let it
Mal: I just feel like this is gonna push me back, the favour I've gotten with the kingdom will be pushed back, we're so young, this was so quick and sudden, the second we tie the knot I have your twins in me? That's got my mother written all over it in the minds of some people
Ben: but it's not true and the kingdom will be happy that we're happy and that the future of Auradon is safe
Mal: are you really happy giving up whatever life you have left free from obligations as king to be a dad you're 21 tomorrow, you're barely even in your twenties
Ben: I've never exactly been a wild child life of the party kind of guy have I? I always wanted be be a father when I was younger because then I can do more with them, I can be a better dad, and with you as the other half of this team, I'm really excited
Mal: really?
Ben: really, I remember this was your dream, at lest two kids, raising them together, being better parents than ours were, here's your chance to show how much better than your mother you are by being the best mom you can possibly be, I know that's gonna be absolutely amazing, I have faith in you, and in us, we're gonna be great and this will all be fine
Mal: are you sure?
Ben: so sure
Mal: okay
Ben: how are you taking it?
Mal: I'm not sure yet, I don't think it's really quite hit me
Ben: yeah, can you deal with this? Twins?
Mal: I...I think so
Ben: okay, I'm going to assign you a detail, I want you protected and I want to know that when I'm not there there is someone there if you need something
Mal: Ben you don't have to
Ben: you're the queen, you're going to be kept safe
Mal: from what?
Ben: anything and everything
Mal: fine
Ben: come on, let's go back, you should rest
Mal: okay
Ben: we'll talk more about this after you've gotten some rest yeah?
Mal: yeah
Ben: okay, come on then


Sorry this took soooooo long, but it's finally sorted, hopefully another one or two at least will be out today by we'll se what happens, thanks for your patience xoxo

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